#2, 2014

A word to the readers
Ivanova Ludmila Anatolievna,
Chief of Center of further vocational education of Irkutsk Branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation of Educators Training, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor.
Dear readers! We are happy to introduce you another (the second) issue of the international information and analytical journal «Crede Experto». Read more
Writing Scientific Papers workshop
15 steps to the successful writing your first scientific article
UDC 009 BBK 72.4
Ivanova L. A.
This article is a kind of instructions for young authors. Its aim is to instruct novices in writing a successful scientific paper. Senior students, postgraduates, young scientists and teachers are among them. A scientific article is a special kind of academic communication. It includes practical guidelines and a system of practical exercises and recommendations. Following them a young author can start writing his first scientific paper. The author of the article pays attention to the standards of referencing, citation and publication ethics. The article is oriented towards beginning authors.
Key words: young author, scientific article, publication activity, creativity
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Farm-oriented education as a sustainable country development in the Irkutsk region
In 2014 the governor S.V. Eroshenko intitiated the innovative project «Development of a system of the continuous farm-oriented education for the sustainable country development in the Irkutsk region». The given project was introduced into the formation of the regional resource and methodical center for farm-oriented education organized by the Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training. There were also opened regional experimental platforms made by educational organizations of the Irkutsk region.
Our journal offers a new rubric «Farm-oriented education as a sustainable country development in the Irkutsk region» which starts with a greeting of the Irkutsk region governor and an actual article written by the head of the Kulish school, T. N. Nemirich.
Dear friends!

I’m happy to greet you on the pages of the international informational and analytical journal «Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language» devoted to the development of a system of the continuous farm-oriented education for the country sustainable development in our region.
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Farm-oriented education as a condition of a country sustainable development
UDC 373.1.013 BBK 74.200.52
Nemirich T. N.
The article considers the experience of farm-oriented education at school № 16 located in the Kulish village, the Chuna district of the Irkutsk region. Such kind of education had a positive influence on the social characteristics of the country. Country school is considered to be an important element of the Russian educational system and has a considerable impact on the formation of the country society.
Key words: farm-oriented education, country social environment, country development, country school, labour education, farming
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The extract of the article has been published in the scientific journal "Magister Dixit" (See Немирич Т. Н. Система трудового воспитания в школе как условие оздоровления социальной среды села// MagisterDixit: электронный научно-педагогический журнал Восточной Сибири. 2011. №1. URL: http://md.islu.ru/sites/md.islu.ru/files/rar/nemirich.pdf).
Golden Pages of History
What is «science school»?
UDC 374.7 BBK 74.05
Dulov A. I. (1918-2005)
A fragment from the book by Dulov A.I. «Scientific and pedagogical school» (25 years of experience). – Irkutsk, 1999. – 241 p. acquaints the reader with 25-year experience of scientific and pedagogical school of the great teacher and scientist. The analysis of the experience comes along with forecast research carried out in the years between 1962 and 1987 in the current conditions. Reissuing of the monograph pages is addressed to the wide range of educationalists, teachers and students of pedagogical universities, colleges, school teachers developing and studying the modern educational processes, all those who works on pedagogical problems.
Key words: science school, postgraduate study, public laboratory, educationalist, researcher, school, upbringing
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История перевода одного стихотворения
UDC 82:81 BBK 83.3 (2Рос=Рус)6+81.2Нем
Merkurieva V. B.
Мой педагогический стаж более 35 лет, работаю всё время на одном месте, сейчас – это ИГЛУ, раньше это был институт иностранных языков, кстати, скоро вуз вновь сменит своё название, станет филиалом МГЛУ и будет называться МГЛУ ЕАЛИ. Многие имена студентов со временем забываются. Но имя одного студента-заочника – Владимира Андреевича Малькова – осталось в моей памяти навсегда. Объясню, почему. Я часто читаю его перевод стихотворения Л. Фюрнберга «Эпилог» своим студентам, хотя и не каждый год (тексты для анализа меняю). В этом году созрела идея публиковать лучшие переводы студентов. Первым, конечно, должен стать перевод В. А. Малькова...
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First steps in Science
Factors determining the success rate of teens’ moral values development
UDC 371 BBK 74.200
Fedorova I. A.
The article reviews some factors determining the success rate of teens’ moral values development.
Key words: factors, moral values, human sciences, moral development, environment, freedom, creative work.
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To the problem of relations between parents and adolescents (from the experience of the Irkutsk regional technical school of food industry)
UDC 373.7 BBK 74.57
Maslova A. A.
The main factor of the human person development is family upbringing. Youth motivation effectiveness, its positive outlook or disbelief in other people depend on the relationship between adolescents and their parents. The author considers the family influence on the personal development of vocational school students and gives analyses their judges about relationship with parents. The results of research were carried out on ADOR methods «Parents’ behaviour and teenagers’ attitude to parents’behaviour» are described on the diagrams of the article.
Key words: family, personality, motivation, socialization, positive interest, directiveness, hostility, autonomy, inconsistence
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Irkutsk region teachers present
Speaking Russian!
UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73
Kosmakova Z. V.
The article raises vital philological problems for language and speech environment. The purpose of preserving the Russian language as a part of the natural spiritual culture is discussed in the project «Speaking Russian». It creates an environment for enhancing the speech and communicative performances of both pupils and teachers.
Key words: language as a part of spiritual culture of the nation, Russian speech beauty, communicative culture, speech culture
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Effect of computer for life and health of pupils
UDC 74.200.555 BBK 681.322
Martynova S. E.
Prolonged work at the computer, currently, no area of human activity is complete without the application of computer technology. Computer helps a person in many applications, making the work easier, opens new horizons for thought and action, provides new opportunities. But do not forget that there is another side to the coin. Prolonged computer work negatively affects many functions in our body: vision, nervous system, musculoskeletal system and human posture and the electromagnetic radiation.
Key words: prolonged work at the computer, sitting position while working at the computer, eye, overload of muslin joints of hands and fingers, the impact on the nervous system, impact of electromagnetic radiation, dust and dirt.
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Specific features of the lesson planning by means of the system-active approach and the process of students’ universal learning activities formation
UDC 371.321.1 BBK 74.26
Kuzminykh Yu. A.
This article discusses the methodological specific features of the lesson planning by means of the system-active approach, the formation of students’ universal learning activities, the role of teachers and students, the possibilities of the modern lesson in terms of federal state educational standards implementation.
Key words: lesson planning, system-active approach, universal learning activities, federal state educational standards, students’ activities, forms of students’ practice, stages of a lesson
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Multimedia as a means of students’ cognitive activity improvement
UDC 372.8 BBK 24
Ruleva T. M.
Multimedia as a means of the learning efficiency is being discussed. The author shares the experience of the multimedia technologies using during the educational process, discusses their didactic possibilities and also the specific feautures while teaching Chemistry as one of the most difficult subjects at high school.
Key words: multimedia, learning efficiency, multimedia technologies and chemical experiment, cognitive activity
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Bilingualism and bilingual education
Bilingual teaching as a way of adaptation and training of migrant pupils in Russian-speaking environment
UDC 808.2(077) BBK 8141.12-916.3
Soboleva R. I., Tungusova G. I. (Irkutsk, Russia)
The article considers the specific character of bilingual language education, promoting multicultural personality molding, and analyzes problems of adaptation of migrant pupils in their new language substance as well as in the cognitive speech culture of native Russian speakers. The article gives practical recommendations how to overcome these problems.
Key words: linguomodeling, types of bilingualism, cross-cultural competence, multicultural personality, tolerance; mentality, levels of language system
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Verbal communication culture of the modern youth (based on the study of Kazakh phraseological units)
UDC 811.512.122’37 BBK 80
Smagulova G. N.
The article gives an overview of the modern youth verbal communication culture based on the study of Kazakh phraseological units. In the Republic of Kazakhstan there are more than 130 nationalities. Russian language is a means of international and intercultural communication. The language of modern youth is developing in the bilingual conditions. There are problems of the Russian and Kazakh bilingualism, its studying and distribution of state language, particularly in the process of family education. The ethnic language is a basis of any culture.
Key words: verbal communication culture, phraseological units, bilingualism, ethnic language
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Personality and media: humanitarian studies in media education
Gaming technology in media education preschoolers
UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с
Chelysheva I. V.
Article is devoted to the use of gaming technology in media education. The author presents game tasks and exercises for children of preschool age, which can be used in conditions of pre-school educational institutions.
Key words: media, media culture, media education preschoolers gaming technology
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* The article was written with the financial support of the grant RHF "Strategy contemporary British media education and its impact on the Russian media education" project № 13-36-01001. Project Manager — I. V. Chelysheva.
History of Pedagogy and Education
From the history of Irkutsk pre-revolutionary private education (in the end of the XVIII – beginning of the XX century)
UDC 9(571.53) BBK 74.03
Litvinova Zh. B.
The article considers formation and development of a private educational system in the pre-revolutionary period in Irkutsk. The author gives a historical review and analysis of private educational institutions in Irkutsk at the end of the XVIII – beginning of the XX century. They were reputed to be schools with a high level of teaching and provided all necessary conditions for the development of students’ creative abilities.
Key words: historical experience, charities, private school, school subjects
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Actual issues of vocational pedagogy
Educational conditions in the students’ professional competences formation at the vocational school
UDC 373.7 BBK 74.57
Kuznetsova E. N.
The article touches upon the problem of the practical creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of students’ professional competence. The author considers a pedagogical process as a complete phenomenon which all components are closely interconnected and their realization influences the result – training of highly professional specialists.
Key words: pedagogical conditions, professional competences, preparation of qualified staff, modeling of future students’ professional activity
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Humanitarian teaching problems
«Nonlinear knowledge» work activation as a motivation aspect of the modern lesson
UDC 371 BBK 74.268,3
Sosnovskaya I. V.,
Ostrovskaya V. V.
The necessity for searching of the new approaches to the educational process organization on the modern lesson is proved. The authors state, that a large amount of information in the modern environment can be introduced effectively and in an interesting form via the associative nonlinear knowledge presentation. One of the most interesting methods in this course is «crosssense».
Key words: nonlinear knowledge, system thinking, linearity principle, nonlinear perception, informational overload, metaknowledge, «crosssense», semantic connection, associations, motivation
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Innovative processes in modern education
The formation of the educational and informational base in Bratsk municipality
UDC 373.1 BBK 74.04
Krasnoperova T. V.
The successful introduction and implementation of the Federal State Education Standards (FSES) in the Russian educational system takes priority. This article describes the approaches to the formation and organisation of the educational and informational base in the city of Bratsk. There is a set of activities allowing the successful implementation of informatisation into education. The given complex includes the formation, implementation of informatisation and the training of specialists for work in these new conditions.
Key words: education informatisation, informational technologies, information-educational environment, digital content, E-Learning distance education, information and communication technologies (ICT), IT Experts, ICT competence, media learning, education quality, education management
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Actual problems of education
The problems of students’ moral education (from the experience of the Irkutsk regional technical school of food industry)
UDC 373.7 BBK 74.58
Kornushkina E. N.
The article touches upon the problems of student’s personality moral education in terms of the implementation of federal standards of vocational education in the process of training service specialists. The author presents the results of the social survey, the purpose of which was to identify the first-year students’ basic moral values.
Key words: moral education, development of students’ personality, system of students’ basic values, values, professional competence
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General Linguistics
Some peculiarities of a character's artistic image development in the text of literary work (on the material of the novel "The Narrow Corner" by W. S. Maugham)
UDC 81.25 BBK 81.432.1
Verbitskaya O. M.
The present work investigates created by the writer fictional world which is so similar and at the same time dissimilar to the real one and thus containing the author’s vision of the world hidden in literary images. The article thoroughly explores the main character’s image formation mechanism. The investigator studies interaction of various language means in the process of the main character’s image development. Therefore an artist faces an extremely difficult task to reach the aesthetic perfection of all literary images under creation. Only under this condition both the principal heroes as well as the conflict tying them in one knot will be able to realize the author’s concept, to prove to the reader the fairness of the idea for the sake of which a piece of literary work is actually created. The article throws fresh light on linguistic and stylistic means of holding the reader in suspense and character’s development. The work also focuses its attention on the role of different types of cohesion in achieving the harmony and integrity of the main character’s image. The article is recommended to the specialists in the field of text linguistics.
Key words: literary image, the author’s concept, text cohesion, experienced speech, thematic progression, pragmatic aspect of the text
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Death-related cultural vocabulary
UDC 811.512.122'373.49 BBK 81.2
Esimova Zh. D.
The words and phrases used for describing customs, traditions and the Kazakh people philosophy are studied in the article. The author discusses their importance for the national culture.
Key words: national customs, material cultural units, lingvoculturology, lingvocultural unit
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Mongolian Studies
Field research of Mongolian Buryats dialects
UDC 811.512.31: 81`282.4 BBK 81.2 Бур – 67
S. Mönkhsaikhan
The article gives an overview of the research of Mongolian Buryats dialects. Field materials, accumulated by Mongolian scientists between the years of 1960 to 1980 in Dornod, Khentii, Selenge, Khövsgöl and Bulgan provinces have been considered. Expedition research data on the Buryat language, memorized in the Fund of national literature and folklore, Institute of language and literature of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia have been reviewed. The author thinks that research data characterize: 1) the dialect of Onon-Ulz Buryats; 2) the dialect of Eg-Üür Buryats; 3) the dialect of Selenge Buryats; 4) the dialect of Khamnigans and Barguts. The author states that although field research materials on Buryat dialects are sufficiently considered in scientific publications, nevertheless some of them, in particular, expedition data, accumulated between the years of 1976 to 1977 in Khövsgöl, Bulgan, Khentii and Dornod provinces have not been discussed in a scientific community.
Key words: Buryat dialects; field research; dialects of Aga, Khori, Selenga, Tunka and Kudara Buryats; dialects of Khamnigans and Barguts
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С. Мөнхсайхан (Монгол улс, ШУА-ийн)
Монгол улсын ШУА-ийн Хэл зохиолын хүрээлэнгийн ахмад эрдэмтэд 1960‑80 оны үед Монгол орны өнцөг булан бүрт хүрч монгол хэлний бараг бүх аялгууг судалсан байдаг бөгөөд тэрхүү хээрийн шинжилгээний ангийн тайлан эдүгээ ХЗХ-ийн “Дуун ухааны сан хөмрөг”-т хадгалагдаж байна. Тэдгээр цуглуулсан материалаас буриад аялгууг судалсан шинжилгээний ангийн тайланг тус өгүүлэлд танилцуулсан байна.
Гол үгэс: буриад аялгуу; хээрийн шинжилгээний байцаалт; ага, хори, сэлэнгэ, худара болон түнхэнэй буриадуудай нутаг аялгуу; хамниган ба баргачуудай нутаг аялгуу
To the history of Buryat dialects studying
UDC 811.512.31 BBK 81.64.2
Zambulaeva N. G.
The author gives a historical review of the study of Buryat dialects classification that enables determining territorial, tribal and geographical approaches to their differentiation. The author notes that each new Buryat dialects classification made progress, specified a certain stage in the development of the Buryat dialectology and showed the need of scientific data using for the Buryat language teaching in dialect environment.
Key words: Buryat language, dialect, dialect, classification, dialect phonetic peculiarities, dialect grammatical peculiarities, dialect lexical peculiarities
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Functions of the phraseological units in dramatic texts (based on the B. P. Purbuev’s plays)
UDC 809.423-3 BBK 81.64.2-33
Tagarova T. B.
The article studies the use of the phraseological units in dramatic texts in a stylistic aspect based on the plays of the Buryat writer B. P. Purbuev. The article discusses the substantive phraseological units as expressive and evaluative units. There is the connection between phraseological units functioning and the comedy genre peculiarities. Buryat phraseological units expresses ethic, esthetic, intellectual, utilitarian attitude.
Key words: the Buryat language, phraseological units, connotation, emotional and expressive, negative attitude
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Тагарова Т. Б. (Эрхүү, Росси)
Тус ниитэлэл соо элитэ бэлигтэй буряад уран зохёолшо Б. П. Пурбуевай зүжэг соохи тогтомол холбуулалнууд оршон тойрондо гү, али хүнэй зан абарида, байха байдалдань ямар сэгнэлтэ үгэнэб гэжэ зураглагдана. Тиин үзэгдэжэ байhан зүжэгүүдтэнь тогтомол холбуулалнуудай булингинь яряанай найруулгада хабаатай, буруушааhан сэгнэлтэтэй байна гэжэ тобшологдоно. Хүнэй ямар талануудынь сэгнэгдэнэб гэжэ мүн шэнжэлэгдэнэ.
Түлхюур үгэнүүдынь: зүжэг, тогтомол холбуулал, эмоционально-экспрессивнэ сэгнэлтэ, яряанай найруулга, буруушааhан, коннотаци
Discourse and Text: vectors of research
Borrowings in the German language taken in the middle of the XVIII century (in the I. Ya. Lerche diaries)
UDC 930.253 BBK 63.2
Savchenko G. K.
The article introduces the results of the linguistic study of the German traveler and scientist I. Ya. Lerche diary. He lived in Russia in the period between 1731 and 1780. The diaries contain a lot of information on the history of Russia. Also they could be of great interest as a source of the history of Russian and German cultural ties, the history of the Russian and German languages in the XVIII century. The subject of the research is borrowings in the I. Ya. Lerche’s written speech.
Key words: I.Ya. Lerkhe, source studies, the Lower Volga region, borrowings
The research is executed in support of the Russian humanitarian scientific fund within the RGNF research project "The history of the Lower Volga region in the I. Ya. Lerche's manuscript heritage ", project № 13-11-34003 а/В.
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Methodological approaches to the understanding of essence of Buryat literary education in primary school
UDC 371 BBK 74.261.8
Sodnomov S. Ts.
The article discusses methodological approaches to the understanding of essence of Buryat literary education in primary school on the basis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature analysis.
Key words: primary school pupil, development, literary development, abilities, skills, literary work, aesthetic sense, creative imagination, creative thinking
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Educational psychology
The actual problem of the professional teachers’ training in the modern educational system
UDC 159.9 (159.923.5) BBK 88
Falunina E. V.
The article raises the problem of future teachers’ training to work in the modern educational system which is humanistic and posesses a multicultural content. The model of the future teachers’ professional training in the University was developed. The components of the professional training model system were chosen and the conditions of its success were determined.
Key words: personality polysubject; modelling method of polysubject interaction; model fo the training system of the future teachers’ training in the field of modern education —humanistic oriented, with a multicultural content; migration as a process and as a result of antiadaptation and antisocialization migrant-children in a multicultural educational environment of the modern Russia
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Methodological approaches to the understanding of essence of Buryat literary education in primary school
UDC 371 BBK 74.261.8
Sodnomov S. Ts.
The article discusses methodological approaches to the understanding of essence of Buryat literary education in primary school on the basis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature analysis.
Key words: primary school pupil, development, literary development, abilities, skills, literary work, aesthetic sense, creative imagination, creative thinking
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Pages of History
Women in the Irkutsk authority structures in the second half of the twentieth century
UDC 321.022(57) BBK 66.74(2Рос.253.5)
Shevchenko L. A.
The article explores stages of the Priangarye women's political activities. On the base of the archives and publication sources study, women’s presence in representative, executive and judicial authority structures of the region is described.
Key words: politics; political representation, state activity; authority structures; Councils; elections; deputies
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University informational and educational environment as a factor of future teacher’s media competence formation
UDC 37.075.8 BBK 74
Grigoreva I. V.
The results of the research on the problem of university informational and educational environment as a factor of formation of future teacher’s media competence are presented. A deeper understanding of the existing in the current scientific knowledge area concept «future teacher’s media competence» is given. The author reveals the concept’s essence, works out its structure, rates, formation stages, makes specific the concept "university informational and educational environment" as a factor of formation of future teacher’s media competence, determines the content of a structure functional example of university informational and educational environment. Methodological support of the formation of future teacher’s media competence in university informational and educational environment has been experimentally tested.
Key words: university informational and educational environment, formation, media education, media competence of a future teacher, example
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Formative assessment technology as a means of quality assurance of school students’ individual learning success achievements
UDC 373.1 BBK 74.2
Mikhailova E. K.
The article gives the results of the research connected with the working out of the assessment technology that allows ensuring the quality of the school students’ individual learning success achievements. The urgency of the research is defined by the social-economic system reformation, as a result of which in the national educational system there started active processes of modification in the matter of education, forms and methods of monitoring and quality assessment. In school education the solution of these tasks is connected with the making the impartial assessment system of educational quality.
Key words: formative assessment, quality of achievements, complex approach to assessment
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