Study of psychoactive substance use as a risk factor of students’ health

UDC 371.72:613.84; (470+571) BBK 51.1 (2) 4 +74.200.55

Igolnitsina L. M.Novokshonova E. A.

The article presents the monitoring results of the prevalence of psychoactive substance use (PAS). The research was conducted among cadets of Irkutsk Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation and students of Irkutsk Branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation. The classification and frequency of psychoactive substance use among college cadets and university students have been studied. The main risk factors of substance initiation are identified. The investigation causing the need of preventive measures aimed at the aspects of stopping the use of substance and formation of a correct way of life (CWL) at college and university.

Key words: psychoactive substances, healthy lifestyle popularization, cadets, students, healthy lifestyle experience, risk factors

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