Miletova Ekaterina Vladimirovna


Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pyatigorsk State University», Pyatigorsk, Russia

Academic degree:  Candidate of Philological Sciences

Post: Associate Professor of the Chair of English Language and Professional Communication.

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.04 – Germanic languages

Scientific major: cognitive linguistics, terminology, discourse theory, different aspects of the professional communication language studies.

Important publications:

  1. Miletova E. V. The experience of frame modeling of the English-language art discourse: an aspect of evaluation // Bulletin of Higher Education Institutions. The North Caucasus Region. Social Sciences. 2013. no. 4 (176). pp. 110-115.
  2. Miletova E. V. Terms-adjectives in modern English-language art discourse // Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. 2013. no. 31 (322). pp. 143-146.
  3. Alimuradov O. A. Metaphorical models verbalized with the participation of adjectives and implemented in modern English-language art discourse / O. A. Alimuradov, V. Miletova // Issues of Cognitive Linguistics. 2013. no. 4 (37). pp. 51-60.
  4. Litvishko O. Structural particularities of terminological system of international law (based on ILO conventions) / O. Litvishko, E. Miletova // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Vol. LVIII – SCTCMG 2018. P. 2324-2335. DOI:
  5. Miletova E. V. Structural features of the terms of the sphere of religion (based on the English language material) // Philological Sciences. Scientific Essays of Higher Education. 2019. no. 1. pp. 43-46.
  6. Miletova E. V. Comparative analysis of structural and semantic features of terminological units of professionally-oriented discourse (based on the English language material) / E. V. Miletova, O. M. Litvishko // Philology and Human. 2021. no. 1. pp. 49-67.