Категория: Authors

Titov Evgeny Viktorovich

E-mail: tevgeni777@mail.ru

Place of work: Moscow Metropolitan Governance Yury Luzhkov University, Moscow, Russia.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Bauman Moscow State Technical University», Moscow, Russia.

Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogy

Academic status: Associate Professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 13.00.01 – General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education

Scientific major: Training of specialists in professional educational organizations. Personal development approach in professional education. Professional communication in the sphere of ecology.

Important publications:

  1. Titov E. V. Professional communication in the sphere of ecology – the culture of dialogue / E. V. Titov, E. O. Cherkashin // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. – 2020. – Pp. 1008-1015.
  2. Cherkashin E. O. Socially significant activities of student youth in the field of ecology as an element of educational activity / E. O. Cherkashin, E. V. Titov // Modern Pedagogical Education. – 2023. – № 8. – pp. 15-19.

Veselitsky Oleg Igorevich

E-mail: veselitsky@list.ru

Place of work: Moscow Metropolitan Governance Yury Luzhkov University, Moscow, Russia.

Senior Lecturer, Department of Urban Economics and Housing Law

Scientific major: Information and Communication Technologies in Management.

Important publications:

  1. Veselitsky O. I. Models of Dynamics of Indicators of Information and Communication Potential of the Russian Innovation System and Its Subsystems / O. I. Veselitsky // Transport Business of Russia. 2012.No. 3, pp. 145-150.
  2. Veselitsky O.I. Interrelation of Indicators of Development of Information and Communication Potential of the Russian Innovation System / O. I. Veselitsky // Journal “Transport Business of Russia” No. 3, 2012. pp. 176-179. (Journal from the VAK list).
  3. Veselitsky O.I. Data Centers – The Green Vector of Digital Economy Development / O. I. Veselitsky // Journal “Innovations and Investments” No. 4, 2018. pp. 214-220. (Journal from the VAK list).

Smirnov Alexey Evgenyevich

E-mail: falcenhorst@rambler.ru

Place of study: Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education «Moscow International University», Moscow, Russia

Status: 2nd year postgraduate student at the Department of Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication

Specialty according to the Nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of the Supreme Attestation Commission):  5.9.6. Languages of the peoples of foreign countries

Scientific major: Terminology of German language 

Important publications:

Smirnov A. E. Peculiarities of term formation in the professionaly oriented German language (based on mine hoisting vocabulary) / A. E. Smirnov // Bulletin of State University of Humanities and Social Studies. – 2024. – № 3(55). – P. 78-86.

Buzinova Lyudmila Mikhailovna

E-mail: rluda@mail.ru

Place of work: Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education «Moscow International University», Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Post: Professor at the Department of Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication

Specialty according to the Nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of the Supreme Attestation Commission):  5.9.6. Languages of the peoples of foreign countries; 5.9.8 Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics

Scientific major: cognitive linguistics, edictemology, linguistic identity, language policy, discursive linguistics (media, legal, political, business), linguosemiotics. 

Important publications:

  1. Sedykh A. P. Phenomenology of linguistic identity: philosophical and philological discourse / A. P. Sedykh, L. M. Buzinova, E. N. Akimova, G. T. Bezkorovainaya. – Belgorod: Epicentre LLC, 2025. – 136 p.
  2. Buzinova L. M. Language identity: Russian and German teacher / L. M. Buzinova. – Moscow: Sputnik+ Publishing House, 2020. – 223 p.

Kikhtenko Elena Nikolaevna

E-mail: Kilena76@mail.ru

Place of work: Private educational institution “Educational complex “Point of the Future”, Irkutsk, Russia

Post: methodologist

Place of study: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Irkutsk State University», Irkutsk, Russia

Status: candidate

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 5.8.7 – Methodology and technology of professional education (pedagogical sciences)

Scientific major: the existential-humanistic approach in psychology and pedagogy.

Important publications:

  1. Kazantseva E. M. Integrated lesson as a means of implementing the requirements of the updated Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education / E. M. Kazantseva, E. N. Kikhtenko // Modern teacher – a look into the future: collection of scientific articles. Part 1 / Ural State Pedagogical University. – Yekaterinburg: [B. I.], 2022. – pp. 156-159.
  2. Kikhtenko E. N. Self-sufficiency as a logical and semantic determinant of the psychological health of a primary school student / E. N. Kikhtenko // Bulletin of the Buryat State University named after Dorji Banzarova. – 2008. – № 5. – pp. 156-160.

Lyutkevich Svetlana Sergeevna

E-mail: moonlightlutkevich@rambler.ru

Place of work: Private educational institution “Educational complex “Point of the Future”, Irkutsk, Russia

Position: methodologist at the Professional Development Center

Scientific major: education, pedagogy

Important publications:

  1. Kazantseva E. M. Mentoring as a form of scientific and methodological support for teachers of the educational institution “Educational complex “Point of the Future” / E. M. Kazantseva, S. S. Lyutkevich // Mentoring in education: culture, ideas, technologies. – Yekaterinburg, 2023. – pp. 125-130.
  2. Rozhkova A. Yu. Variability of the educational program and support of individual educational routes / A. Yu. Rozhkova, S. S. Lyutkevich // Creative strategies and creative industries in the economic, social and cultural spaces of the region. – Irkutsk, 2021. – pp. 133-137.

Kozich Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

E-mail: aliaksanderkozich@gmail.com

Place of work: Republican Unitary Air Navigation Services Enterprise Belaeronavigatsia

Post: pseudo pilot, simulation module, Minsk Air Traffic Control Center

Scientific major: cellular communication, radio navigation, positioning accuracy. 

Important publications:

  1. Kozich A. A. A study of the accuracy of positioning of mobile objects in urban cellular networks / A. A. Kozich // Civil aviation: XXI century : proceedings of the XV International Youth Scientific Conference. Part 2, Ulyanovsk: UCAI, 2023. – pp.103-104.
  2. Kozich A. A. Methods of positioning mobile objects in cellular networks / A. A. Kozich // Civil aviation: the XXI century : proceedings of the XV International Youth Scientific Conference/ Part 2, Ulyanovsk: UCAI, 2023. – pp.105-106.
  3. Skrypnik O. N. Methods of positioning unmanned aircraft in cellular networks / O. N. Skrypnik, A. A. Kozich // Aviation Bulletin. – 2024. – № 10. – pp. 24-29.

Nguyen Ngoc Hoang Quan

E-mail:  quannnh@mail.ru

Place of work: Vietnam Aviation Academy, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Post: Head of Department, FPL procedure assistant and Flight Dispatcher

Place of study: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation», Moscow, Russia

Status: postgraduate student

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  2.9.6. – Air navigation and operation of aviation equipment

Scientific major: air traffic flow management, airspace management, organization of schemes and routes of aircraft movement. 

Important publications:

  1. Hoang Kuan N. N. Proposals for the design of the organization of the airspace of the ATS sectors of the district control center of Ho Chi Minh City in order to increase its capacity / N. N. Hoang Kuan, V. N. Nechaev // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – 2024. – Volume 27, № 3. – P. 50-66.
  2. Neretin E. S. An Analysis of Human Interaction and Weather Effects on Aircraft Trajectory Prediction via Artificial Intellegence / E. S. Neretin, N. T. Linh Phuong, N. N. Hoang Quan // XIX Technical Scientific Conference on Aviation Dedicated to the Memory of N.E. Zhukovsky. – Moscow, 2022. P. 85-89.
  3. Nguyen N. H. Q. Development of an Arrival/Departure Manager Program to Support Air Traffic Management at Tan Son Nhat Airport / N. H. Q. Nguyen, K. D. Chau // Actual problems of the development of aviation technology and methods of its operation. – Irkutsk: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, 2023. – P. 179-188.

Nechaev Vladimir Nikolaevich

E-mail: v.nechaev@mstuca.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation», Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Post: Head of the Department of Air Traffic Control

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 2.9.6. – Air navigation and operation of aviation equipment

Scientific major: aeronautical flight support, patterns of navigation processes, traffic control of individual aircraft and their flows, improving the methods of using airspace, radio communications, navigation and surveillance to solve air traffic control problems.

The most important publications:

  1. Nechaev V. N. Air traffic control technology: a textbook / V. N. Nechaev, A. G. Kradinov, V. I. Pupynin. – Khimki: AGZ of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, 2021. – 279 с.
  2. Nechaev V. N. Aviation meteorology: a textbook / V. N. Nechaev, Yu. S. Karchevsky, A. G. Kradinov. – Khimki: AGZ of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, 2016. – 21 p.
  3. Nechaev V. N. Technology of ATS “Fundamentals of air traffic management”: an educational and methodological guide / V. N. Nechaev. – Voronezh: MIR LLC, 2021. – 52 с.
  4. In the service and defense of the Fatherland (history of the defense Society: to the 95th anniversary of its creation): a collective monograph \ Under the general editorship of the Chairman of the DOSAAF of Russia A. P. Kolmakov. – Moscow: ANO SPO “SOTIS”, 2022. – 560 p.
  5. Hoang Kuan N. N. Proposals for the design of the organization of the airspace of the ATS sectors of the district control center of Ho Chi Minh City in order to increase its capacity / N. N. Hoang Kuan, V. N. Nechaev // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – 2024. – Volume 27, № 3. – P. 50-66.

Malygin Viacheslav Borisovich

E-mail: v.maligin@mstuca.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation», Moscow, Russia

Post: Head of the Simulation Center, Department of Air Traffic Control

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 2.9.6. – Air navigation and operation of aviation equipment

Scientific major: aeronautical flight support, patterns of navigation processes, traffic control of individual aircraft and their flows, improving the methods of using airspace, radio communications, navigation and surveillance to solve air traffic control problems.

The most important publications:

  1. Lebedev G. N. Creating private criteria for A-CDM effectiveness to take into account the interests of decision-making participants in a dynamic environment / G. N. Lebedev, V. B. Мalygin // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – 2020. – Vol. 23, № 6. – P. 53-64.
  2. Lebedev G. N. The way of organizing the flow of aircraft by inverse “trombone” type location of the useful manoeuvring area / G. N. Lebedev, V. B. Мalygin // Civil Aviation High Technologies. –2015. – № 221(11). – P. 144–147. (in Russian)
  3. Borsoev V. A. Decision making in air traffic control problems: monograph / V. A. Borsoev, G. N. Lebedev, V. B. Malygin [and others]; ed. Е. Е. Nechaev. –Moscow: Radiotechnics, 2018. – 415 с.
  4. Malygin V. B. Technique for determining the technological capabilities of the controller for managing a group of aircraft / V. B. Malygin, P. K. Tin, A. N. Turkov // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – 2013. – № 198. – P. 41-44.
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