Stepanova Galina Pavlovna


Place of work:Β  Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS, Moscow,Β Β  Russia

Post: Leading researcher

Academic degree, academic title: Candidate of Sciences in Medicine

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 3.3.7 – Aviation, space and marine medicine

Scientific major: psychophysiological and physiologicalanal state of a person under various extreme influences

Important publications:

  1. Tsetlin V. Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Aviation Personnel, Their Behavior, and Er-roneous Actions / V. Tsetlin, G. Stepanova, N. Nikolaykin, N. Korepina //Β  Lecture Notes in Machine Engineering (LNME): Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Aviation .Β  – 2022. – Π ages 383-392.
  2. Tzetlin V.V. MONITORING OF THE EFFECTS OF ISOLATION FACTORS ON HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS WITHIN THE SIRIUS-19 / V.V. Tzetlin, E.YU. Bersenev, G.P. Stepanova, N.V. Degterenkova, D.A. Anikeev // Aviation and environmental medicin. – 2021 V.55 β„–3 Π .36-44.