Feoktistova Oksana Gennadievna

E-mail:Β o.feoktistova@mstuca.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education Β«Moscow State Technical University of Civil AviationΒ» (MSTU CA), Moscow, Russia

Academic degree:Β Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Academic status: Β Full professor

Post: professor of the Department of Flight Safety and Life Safety

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): Β 05.22.14 – Operation of air transport

Scientific major: technosphere safety; mathematical modelling in technosphere safety; ecological safety.Β 

Important publications:

  1. Feoktistova O. G. Fundamentals of increasing the efficiency of environmental safety management system at maintenance and repair of aircraft / O. G. Feoktistova // Monograph: – Moscow: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, 2008. – 314 p.
  2. Feoktistova O. Management of Aircraft Noise to Increase Ecological Compatibility of Residential Areas / O. Feoktistova, T. Naumova // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering : 3, Prague, 2018, 18–22 June. – Prague, 2019. – P. 022015.