Study of investment opportunities in the regional market of residential and commercial property (via examples of Irkutsk region)
UDC 339.94 BBK 65.012.4
Iamshikova I. V., Kazarina V. V.
In this paper, the current market research of commercial real estate is analyzed. We examined general patterns, socio-economic characteristics, especially the development of residential and commercial real estate in Irkutsk region.
Analysis of the current state of housing and commercial real estate in the city of Irkutsk is represented. The implementation of housing state programs of Irkutsk region in 2013-2014 is reviewed. We have proved the low investment attractiveness of the construction industry. We determined the direction of improving the existing mechanism to attract investors to the commercial real estate market, the mechanism for effective cooperation between government bodies and investors.
We have developed a classification analysis of nonresidential premises, which is represented in the work. The types of commercial real estate are classified. Opportunities to invest in items such as non-residential premises on the example of the Irkutsk region are considered.
Keywords: investment market, development of the market, commercial property market, classification of commercial property, model of investors’ interaction.