Категория: 5.2. Economics

Gold and its role in China’s development: the problem of gold reserves accumulation

UDC 33339 BBK 65.049

Khokhlova E. V.

Gold has always been one of the most important metals in the history of humanity that had influenced different countries’ cultural, economical and industrial development. Starting from ancient times China has used gold in various spheres and today the level of its consumption has increased. In this article the author traces the main role of gold in China’s development and reveals biggest problems in accumulating of gold reserves in China.

Key words: gold, China, history, economic, ecology.

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Consumer credit market: a modern state, problems of development and ways of their solution

UDC 336.77 BBK 65.9(2)262

Popova L. V., Maslova I. A., Konkina T. A.

The article deals with the problems of the modern consumer credit market and ways to solve them. It defines the essence of consumer loan, its characteristics, types, advantages and disadvantages of using credit when buying goods. It gives an overview of the standard and legal base regulating the questions of consumer crediting.

Keywords: loan, bank, collectors, cost of credit.

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Development of IT-technologies in the banking sector in Russia under sanctions

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Gorbunova O. N., Shestakova Y. V.

The article deals with the main advantages of banks by using information technology. It analyzes some statistical aspects of information technology to develop banks, the main problems of banks in the field of IT-technologies, caused by the EU and US sanctions against Russia. It provides the solutions to the identified problems based on the expert opinion.

Keywords: information technology, banking, sanctions, the information society, “Internet banking” crisis.

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Study of investment opportunities in the regional market of residential and commercial property (via examples of Irkutsk region)

UDC 339.94 BBK 65.012.4

Iamshikova I. V., Kazarina V. V.

In this paper, the current market research of commercial real estate is analyzed. We examined general patterns, socio-economic characteristics, especially the development of residential and commercial real estate in Irkutsk region.

Analysis of the current state of housing and commercial real estate in the city of Irkutsk is represented. The implementation of housing state programs of Irkutsk region in 2013-2014 is reviewed. We have proved the low investment attractiveness of the construction industry. We determined the direction of improving the existing mechanism to attract investors to the commercial real estate market, the mechanism for effective cooperation between government bodies and investors.

We have developed a classification analysis of nonresidential premises, which is represented in the work. The types of commercial real estate are classified. Opportunities to invest in items such as non-residential premises on the example of the Irkutsk region are considered.

Keywords: investment market, development of the market, commercial property market, classification of commercial property, model of investors’ interaction.

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