Tendentious curvature of mirrors: Roman Jakobson in the «popular historiography» of linguistics

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_3_127 

Oleg A. Radchenko

Rashid S. Alikaev

Abstract. This article explores presentation peculiarities of R.O. Jakobson’s (1896-1982) biographical data on popular Internet sites that often serve as the main or most sought-after source of information on the history of Russian and foreign linguistics by young researchers in Russia. A narrative metacritical approach to the information presented on these platforms allows to visualize the extent to which prominent linguists’ images can be distorted, exemplified by one of the founders of the Moscow Linguistic Circle and the Prague School of Functional Linguistics. The main attention is paid in the article to the Prague period of R.O. Jakobson’s activity.

Keywords: history of linguistics, narrative method, metacritical approach, Roman Jakobson, network resources on linguistics

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