Baushev Sergey Valentinovich


Place of work: North-West Regional Center of Concern VKO Almaz-Antey – Obukhov Plant, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Military Sciences

Academic status: Professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  2.2.16. Radar and Radio Navigation

Scientific major: radar and radio navigation, security of satellite communication systems.

Important publications:

  1. Patent No. 2676862 C1 Russian Federation, IPC G01C 21/20. Method for determining the location of a navigation object: No. 2018101354: declared. 15.01.2018: publ. 11.01.2019 / S. V. Baushev, V. A. Viktorov, P. L. Smirnov; applicant Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Education «Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Limited Liability Company «Special Technological Center».
  2. Patent for utility model No. 192791 U1 Russian Federation, IPC G01V 7/00, G01R 23/15. device for gravitational measurements: No. 2019121803: declared 09.07.2019: published 01.10.2019 / S. V. Baushev, A. G. Saibel; applicant Joint Stock Company «Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time».
  3. Skobelin A. A. Method and algorithm for determining the error in predicting the discrepancy between time scales / A. A. Skobelin, S. V. Baushev // Bulletin of higher educational institutions. Instrument engineering. – 2019. – Vol. 62, No. 4. – Pp. 301-311.