Bokova Tatiana Nicolaevna


Place of work: Moscow city teacher training university, Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogic sciences

Academic status: Associate professor

Post: professor of Methodology of Teaching English and Business Communication Department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 13.00.01 – General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education

Scientific major: comparative pedagogy, linguodidactics.

Important publications:

  1. Bokova, N. (2016). Rhizomatic principles of teaching in alternative schools in the USA. Tsennosti i smysly. 1(41): 85-92. [in Russian]
  2. Bessarabova, I.S., Bokova, T.N., Rychenkova, L.A. (2018). Goals and objectives of civic education in Russia and in the USA: the comparative analysis. Espacios. Vol. 39. No.  38. URL: 393 821.html
  3. Bokova, T.N., Perevezentseva, O.N. (2021). Modeling of the pedagogical process of information literacy development of younger adolescents in the postmodern era. Obrazovanie. Pravo. 1(54): 306-312. [in Russian]
  4. Fiofanova, O.A., Bokova, T.N., Morozova, V.I. (2020). International comparative analysis of national state electronic educational platforms for schoolchildren. Revista Inclusiones. Vol. 7. No. S2-3. С. 51-61.