Borovikova Zhanna Nikolaevna
Place of work: Non-state educational institution of higher professional education “The University of the Russian Academy of Education”, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Job title: Associate Professor of Social and Clinical Psychology, Head of the Educational department.
Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.08 – Theory and methods of professional education.
Most important publications:
- Borovikova, Zh. N. Analysis of the structure and content of significant professional communicative skills of future workers in the service field // Problems of modern education-4 :Vestnik of ISLU. Ser. Pedagogy and psychology. Irkutsk : ISLU, 2007. C. 189-195.
2. Borovikova, Zh. N. A game is like a means of formation of significant professional communicative skills of students of institutions of primary professional education // The anniversary year. Department of pedagogy of ISLU: history and modernity: the collection of scientific articles / resp. ed O. A. Lapina, L. A. Ivanova. Irkutsk : ISLU, 2008. C. 178-186.