Buzinova Lyudmila Mikhailovna

E-mail: rluda@mail.ru

Place of work: Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education «Moscow International University», Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Post: Professor at the Department of Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication

Specialty according to the Nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of the Supreme Attestation Commission):  5.9.6. Languages of the peoples of foreign countries; 5.9.8 Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics

Scientific major: cognitive linguistics, edictemology, linguistic identity, language policy, discursive linguistics (media, legal, political, business), linguosemiotics. 

Important publications:

  1. Sedykh A. P. Phenomenology of linguistic identity: philosophical and philological discourse / A. P. Sedykh, L. M. Buzinova, E. N. Akimova, G. T. Bezkorovainaya. – Belgorod: Epicentre LLC, 2025. – 136 p.
  2. Buzinova L. M. Language identity: Russian and German teacher / L. M. Buzinova. – Moscow: Sputnik+ Publishing House, 2020. – 223 p.