Evseev Andrei Borisovich

E-mail:Β andrej.yevsejev@rambler.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education Β«Vladimir State University after Alexandr Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich StoletovsΒ», Vladimir, Russia

Academic degree:Β Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic status: Associate professor

Post: Associate Professor of Department of Russian and Foreign Philology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): Β 5.9.6 – Languages of the Peoples of Foreign Countries

Scientific major: Discourse analysis, pragmalinguistics, cognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics.

Important publications:

  1. Evseev, A.Β B. Stilistiko-grammaticheskij potencial anglojazychnogo turistskogo diskursa [Tekst] / A. B. Evseev. – Modern Researches of Social Problems. – 2023. Vol. 15, No. 1. Pp. 156-170.
  2. Evseev, A.Β B. Lingvosemanticheskaja reprezentacija rozhdestvenskogo poslanija nacii v kontekste politiko-istoricheskogo diskursa. [Tekst] / A. B. Evseev. – Modern Humanities Success (ISSN 2618-7175 (online)). – 2023. No. 8. Pp. 122 – 126.
  3. Evseev, A.Β B. Strukturnye i semanticheskie osobennosti anglojazychnogo pechatnogo reklamnogo diskursa (na primere materialov britanskoj gazety Evening Standard). [Tekst] / A. B. Evseev. – Vestnik filologicheskih nauk (ISSN 2782-5329 (online)). – 2023. Vol. 3. No. 6. Pp. 143 – 147. – EDN XCNUWZ.