Fomin Andrey Gennadievich


Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kemerovo State University», Kemerovo, Russia

Status: D.Ss. (Philology), Professor of Translation, Interpreting and Linguistics Department

Scientific major: cognitive studies of language, psycholinguistic study of speech-situational, associative behavior, translation studies, ethno-cultural specifics of communication, cross-cultural studies of the language picture of the world, gender issues

Important publications:

  1. 1. Medvedev S.S., Fomin A.G. K voprosu o statuse mezh’yazyikovogo kalambura // Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal. # 3. S. 234-243. DOI: 10.17223/18137083/68/21
  2. Fomin A.G., Medvedev S.S. Mezh’yazyikovoy kalambur v svete teorii kontseptualnoy integratsii // Voprosyi kognitivnoy lingvistiki. 2019. # 4. S. 101-107.
  3. Fomin A.G., Mona E.A. Conceptual metaphor as a means of terrorist suggestion (on the material of the islamic state video messages) // Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhbyi narodov. Seriya: Lingvistika. 2019. T. 23. # 3. S. 698-713.