Kachurin Ivan Dmitrievich


Place of study: Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia

Status: post-graduate student

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 5.8.2 – Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (by educational areas and levels)

Scientific major: German language, intercultural communication, innovative processes in foreign language education, theory and methodology of foreign language teaching with application of digital technologies.

Important publications:

  1. Borisova E. G. Slogans of automobile brands (German and English) / E. G. Borisova, I. D. Kachurin // Germanic languages and comparative linguistics: modern problems and prospects of development: Collection of scientific articles / Moscow City Pedagogical University; scientific editor E. V. Biryukova; compilers L. G. Popova, A. V. Shatalova; editorial board: L. G. Popova (editor-in-chief), M. V. Belyaeva, I. V. Bogovskaya, et al. – Moscow: OOO «Printika», 2020. – P. 67-79.
  2. Kachurin I. D. The role of corpus linguistics in teaching language disciplines / I. D. Kachurin // Scientific Start-2023: Collection of articles by graduate students and undergraduates / Institute of Foreign Languages of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Volume part 1. – Moscow: Limited Liability Company «Yazyki Narodov Mira», 2023. – P. 219-224.
  3. Kachurin I. D. Application of corpus online resources for teaching culturally-marked vocabulary of the German language / I. D. Kachurin // Theoretical and practical prerequisites for the training of polylingual specialists in the UWO: Collection of scientific articles on the materials of VIII International Scientific and Practical Online Seminar (webinar), Mogilev, April 14, 2022 / Edited by EN. Grushetskaya. – Mogilev: A.A. Kuleshov Mogilev State University, 2022. – С. 70-78.
  4. Kachurin I. D. Cultural and linguistic multimedia environment in teaching students foreign languages: to the problem statement / I. D. Kachurin // Scientific Start-2021: Collection of articles by graduate students and postgraduates / Editorial Board: L.G. Vikulova (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. – Moscow: Limited Liability Company «Yazyki Narodov Mira», 2021. – P. 120-123.
  5. Kachurin I. D. Family-pedagogical conflict and prospects for effective interaction between family and school / I. D. Kachurin // Pedagogy in theory and practice: current issues and modern aspects: a collection of articles of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference, Penza, June 25, 2020. – Penza: «Science and Enlightenment» (IP Gulyaev G.Yu.), 2020. – P. 130-136.
  6. Kachurin I. D. Multimedia cultural and linguistic environment in language studies at university / D. Kachurin, D. Kachurin, S. V. Mikhailova // Siberian teacher. – 2022. – № 2(141). – P. 38-42.
  7. Mikhailova S. V. Corpus technologies in teaching German to future teachers / S. V. Mikhailova, I. D. Kachurin // Foreign languages in school. – 2022. – № 4. – P. 66-73.