Korolenko Olga Igorevna

E-mail: olgakfr@mail.ru

Place of work: Moscow City Pedagogical University, Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Post: senior lecturer of the Department of French and Lingvodidactics

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.00.00 – Philological sciences

Scientific major: Linguistics, Language Theory, French Academy

Important publications:

  1. Vikulova, L. G. Dama with a sword in the French Academy: Language competence and communicative leadership / L. G. Vikulova, O. I. Korolenko // Social and humanitarian sciences in the Far East. 2020. – T. 17. №. 1. P. 159-164. – DOI 10.31079 / 1992-2868-2020-17-1-159-164.
  2. Vikulova, L. G. Academic discourse: the diachronic vector of communicative practices of the XVII-XVIII centuries (France) / L. G. Vikulova, O. I. Korolenko // Discourse as a universal verbal interaction matrix. M: Lenand, 2018. P. 133-160.