Lemeshko Yuliya Rimovna
Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education VSF «Russian State University of Justice», Irkutsk, Russia
Post: Senior Lecturer at the Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines
Scientific major: Communication theory, theory of speech influence, lexical and grammatical semantics
Important publications:
- Lemeshko, Yu. R. Discursive performance formulas as constructions “in action” Part I (morphological aspect) // Vector of Science TSU. 2017. № 1 (39). S. 67-72.
- Lemeshko, Yu. R. Discursive performance formulas as constructions “in action” Part II (syntactic aspect) // Vector of Science TSU. 2017. № 2 (40). S. 113-118.
- Lemeshko, Yu. R. Slogan as a “discourse formula”: stability and variation // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. ser. Philology. 2020. № 119 (435). P. 90-97.