Liu Qiqi


Place of study: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education β€œMoscow State Linguistic University”

Status: post-graduate student of the Department of General and Comparative Linguistics, the Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages

Place of work: Xinjiang Normal University

Post: teacher, Department of the Russian Language, Institute of Foreign Languages

Scientific major: comparative linguistics, internet linguistics

Important publications:

  1. Liu Qiqi. A study on aggressive speech in online commentaries of Sina Weibo. Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University. Humanities, 2022. 2Β (857), Pp. 24–31.
  2. Liu Qiqi. Scientific analysis of document flow on Internet discourse presented in the CSSCI database at CNKI. Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University. Humanities, 2022. 6(861), Pp. 93–98.