Malykh Tatiana Alexandrovna


Place of work: Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training. Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic status: Associate professor

Jobtitle: Associate professor. Chair of Pedagogical Technics and Innovative Processes Management

Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education

Areas of scientific interest: Informational safety of a person, ensuring the informational safety of children by educators, Law Education, Educational Rights

The most significant publications:
  1. Malyh T.A. Pedagogicheskie aspekty informacionnoj bezopasnosti // Narodnoe obrazovanie. M.: 2007. β„– 5. S. 231-236. (in Russ.)
  2. Malyh T.A. Nashi deti vo vsemirnoj pautine Interneta // Nachal’naja shkola pljus Do i Posle. M.: 2007, β„– 7. S. 8-11. (in Russ.)
  3. Malyh T.A. Informacionnaja bezopasnost’ molodogo pokolenija // Professional’noe obrazovanie. Stolica. M.: 2007. β„– 6. S.30. (in Russ.)
  4. Malyh T.A. Rebenok u komp’jutera: za ili protiv // Vospitanie shkol’nikov. M.: 2008. β„– 1. S.56-58. (in Russ.)