Merzlikin Igor Nikolaevich


Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Sciences in Technology

Academic title: Associate Professor

Specialty according to the Nomenclature of specialties of scientists (HAC code): 05.22.14 – Operation of air transport

The main areas of scientific research: Aviation safety, profiling, safety in emergency situations, psychology, safety of technological processes and industries.

Important publications:

  1. Merzlikin I. N. Scientific Organization and Labor protection as a Basis of Economic Model Efficiency / I. N. Merzlikin, O. G. Feoktistova, T. G. Feoktistova // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – – β„– 225. – Pp. 112-117.
  2. Merzlikin I. Features of the formation of the concept of educational work in an educational institution of civil aviation / I. Merzlikin, M. Ivanova, V. Ivanova // E3S Web Conf. Volume 258, 2021 Ural Environmental Science Forum β€œSustainable Development of Industrial Region” (UESF-2021) Article Number 10024. Number of page(s) 8. Section Training Personnel for Agricultural Industry. DOI Published online 20 May 2021.