Natpit Aydysmaa Andreevna


Place of study: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Siberian Federal University”, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Status: post-graduate student of Department of Romance Languages and Applied Linguistics

Scientific major: cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychological parameters of the word, mental lexicon, bilingualism.

Important publications:

  1. Natpit A. A. Status i sfery funktsionirovaniya tuvinskogo yazyka na materiale nauchnykh issledovaniy [Status and spheres of functioning of the Tuvan language on the material of scientific research] // Aktual’nye problemy lingvistiki i literaturovedeniya: Sbornik materialov VIII (XXII) Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh, Tomsk, 15-17 aprelya 2021 goda (Actual problems of linguistics and literary criticism: Collection of materials of the VIII (XXII) International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, Tomsk, 15-April 17, 2021) / Ed. by A. G. Kozhevnikova. Tomsk: National Research Tomsk State University, 2021. P. 108-112. DOI 10.17223/978-5-907442-02-3-2021-29.
  2. Natpit A. A. Parametr predstavimosti slova v kontekste teorii prototipov [Parameter of word representability in the context of prototype theory] // Sovremennye issledovaniya sotsial’nykh problem (Modern studies of social problems). 2020. Vol. 12. No 4. P. 155-165. DOI 10.12731/2077-1770-2020-4-155-165.
  3. Natpit A. A. Ponyatie ob”ektivnogo i sub”ektivnogo parametrov slova [The concept of objective and subjective parameters of the word] // Journal of Tuvan State University. No 1. Social and Humanitarian Sciences. No 2 (44), 2019. P. 56-63. DOI 10.24411/2072-8980-2019-10006.