Nechaev Vladimir Nikolaevich


Place of work: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation», Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Post: Head of the Department of Air Traffic Control

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 2.9.6. – Air navigation and operation of aviation equipment

Scientific major: aeronautical flight support, patterns of navigation processes, traffic control of individual aircraft and their flows, improving the methods of using airspace, radio communications, navigation and surveillance to solve air traffic control problems.

The most important publications:

  1. Nechaev V. N. Air traffic control technology: a textbook / V. N. Nechaev, A. G. Kradinov, V. I. Pupynin. – Khimki: AGZ of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, 2021. – 279 с.
  2. Nechaev V. N. Aviation meteorology: a textbook / V. N. Nechaev, Yu. S. Karchevsky, A. G. Kradinov. – Khimki: AGZ of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, 2016. – 21 p.
  3. Nechaev V. N. Technology of ATS “Fundamentals of air traffic management”: an educational and methodological guide / V. N. Nechaev. – Voronezh: MIR LLC, 2021. – 52 с.
  4. In the service and defense of the Fatherland (history of the defense Society: to the 95th anniversary of its creation): a collective monograph \ Under the general editorship of the Chairman of the DOSAAF of Russia A. P. Kolmakov. – Moscow: ANO SPO “SOTIS”, 2022. – 560 p.
  5. Hoang Kuan N. N. Proposals for the design of the organization of the airspace of the ATS sectors of the district control center of Ho Chi Minh City in order to increase its capacity / N. N. Hoang Kuan, V. N. Nechaev // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – 2024. – Volume 27, № 3. – P. 50-66.