Popov Semen Ivanovich
E-mail: postgraduate95@gmail.com
Place of study: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk State University”
Status: post-graduate student of the Department of Foreign languages and linguodidactics
Scientific major: cognitive linguistics, lexicology, onomastics.
Important publications:
- Popov, S. I. Associative experiment as the basis for the formation of the principles of selection of lexical material // Linguistics and linguodidactics in the light of modern scientific paradigms: a collection of scientific papers. Issue 2. Irkutsk: Publishing house “Asprint”, 2019. Pp. 315-323.
2. Bogdanova, S. Yu. & Popov, S. I. To the question of methods of presenting lexical material at English lessons: taking into account the results of an associative experiment // Linguistics and linguodidactics in the light of modern scientific paradigms: a collection of scientific papers. Issue 3. Irkutsk: Publishing house “Asprint”, 2020. Pp. 312-319.