Rozhok Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Place of work: Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus
Academic degree: Candidate of technical sciences
Academic status: associate professor
Post: deputy chairholder, Chair of aircraft equipment and armament
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 20.02.14 β Armament and military equipment. Military complexes and systems
Scientific major: Development of methods and techniques of estimating the technical condition of armament and military equipment. Research and estimation of armament and military equipment efficiency.
Important publications:
- Suhodolov Ju. V. Ustrojstvo kontrolja kommutacii i obnaruzhenija defektov jakorja generatorov postojannogo toka / Ju. V. Suhodolov, A. A. Shejnikov, A. V. Rozhok, N. V. Pushkareva; pat. 8229 Respublika Belarus’, MPK G 01R 31/06; zajavitel’ Voennaja akademija Respubliki Belarus’ β β u20110621; zajavl. 01.08.2011; opubl. 15.02.12.
- Shejnikov A. A. Analiz vidov posledstvij i kritichnosti otkazov sistem jelektrosnabzhenija vozdushnyh sudov gosudarstvennoj aviacii / A. A. Shejnikov, A. V. Rozhok, V. R. Vashkevich // Vestnik Voennoj akademii Respubliki Belarus’. – 2011. β β 1. β S. 83β90.