Rukhlinsky Viktor Mihaylovich


Place of work: The Interstate Aviation Committee, Moscow, Russia

Academic degree:Β Doctor of Technical Sciences

Post: The First Deputy Chairman of the Committee – the Chairman of the Commission of the Intergovernmental Aviation Committee.

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): Β 2.9.6. Air navigation and operation of aviation equipment.

Scientific major: Flight safety, operational and maintenance performances of aircraft, risk theory.

Important publications:

  1. Rukhlinsky, M. Development of the Continuous Monitoring Mechanism of the Aeronautical Specialists Professional Training Level / V. M. Rukhlinsky, L. G. Bolshedvorskaya // Civil Aviation High Technologies. 2015. β„– 214. Π . 31-36.
  2. Rukhlinsky, V. M. Аnalysis and risk management of rescue maintenance of flights / V. M. Rukhlinsky, А. S. Molotovnik, А. А. Khaustov // The Scientific Bulletin of The State Scientific Research Institute of Civil Aviation. 2019. β„– 26. Π . 75-86.