Samoilenko Elizaveta Vasilevna


Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow, Russia

Post: assistant, department of the Engineering Mechanics and Graphics

Scientific major: protection of gas turbine engine parts from high temperature corrosion

Important publications:

  1. Samoylenko V. M. The effect of suspension parameters on the properties of the coating obtained by the slip method / V. M. Samoylenko, G. T. Paschenko, E. V. Samoylenko, V. V. Shestakov // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – 2022. – Vol. 25, β„– 6. – P. 53-61.
  2. Samoylenko V. M. Influence of impurities contained in fuel and air on sulfide corrosion of turbine blades of the gas turbine engine / V. M. Samoylenko, G. T. Paschenko, E. V. Samoylenko, A. A. Gnezdilova // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – 2023. – Vol. 26, No. 1. – P. 72-80.