Schmidt Sergey Fedorovich
Place of work: Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training. Irkutsk. Russia
Academic degree:Β Candidate of Historical Sciences
Academic status: Associate professor
Jobtitle: Associate professor. Center for Scientific and Methodical Supply of Talented Youth
Areas of scientific interest: Education Sociology. Education policy. Working with talented youth
Postgraduate specialty: 07.00.03 β General History
The most significant publications:
- Molodezhnaja revoljucija. Vozmozhna li ona? // Kryl’ja. 2006. β 3-4. S. 34-41. (in Russ.)
- Antropologija abiturientov // Abiturient. 2006. β 6. S. 7-17. (in Russ.)
3. Molodezhnyj jelektoral’nyj absenteizm: “demokratija neuchastija” // Obshhestvo i vybory. Molodezh’ v realijah sovremennoj Rossii: materialy 1 mezhvuz. nauch.- prakt. konf. / pod obshh. red. I.M. Golovnyh, A.A. Petrova, L.I. Shavenkovoj. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IrGTU, 2009. S. 23-26. (in Russ.)