Shestakova Julia Vladimirovna
Place of study: Federal State Budget-Financed Establishment of Higher Professional Education βTambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavinβ, Institute of Economics, management and service of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin.
Post: Student of the 4 course, group 403
Bachelor training: 080100.62 Economics. Profile: Finance and Credit.
Scientific major: labor market, information and communication technologies, information society, innovative economy, problems of the banking sector of the Russian Federation
Important publications:
- Shestakova Ju.V. The importance of ICT in the innovation economy and man-agement. Key development issues and solutions/ O.N. Gorbunova, Ju.V.Shestakova. Papers of the 6th International Scientific Conference. October 28β29, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany. S 117-123.
- Shestakova Ju.V. Jevoljucija trebovanij, pred#javljaemyh k specialistu na rynke truda v processe obshhestvennogo progressa/ Ju.V. Shestakova, O.N. Gorbunova. // Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Β«Nauka i MirΒ».2014. β3 (7). Tom 2. S. 39-44
- Shestakova Ju.V. Metody korreljacionno-regressionnogo analiza v izuchenii zavisimosti ob#ema zatrat na tehnologicheskie innovacii v sektore IT-tehnologij ot ob#ema investicij i urovnja nominal’noj zarabotnoj platy rabotnikov / Ju.V. Shestakova, O.N. Gorbunova. // Jekonomika. Innovacii. Upravlenie kachestvom. 2014. β 3 (8). S. 147-153.