Shubina Svetlana Valer’evna
Place of study: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Irkutsk State University», Irkutsk, Russia
Status: post-graduate student of Department of English philology
Scientific major: cognitive grammar of the English language, polysemy of the tense-aspect forms of the English verb.
Important publications:
- Shubina S. V. Cognitive interpretation of the semantics of modern forms of the English verb / S. V. Shubina // Fundamental and applied research. Current issues and achievements. – – pp. 22-24.
- Shubina S. V. Cognitive aspects of the modern form of Present Continuous / S. V. Shubina // Linguistics and linguodidactics in the light of modern scientific paradigms: A collection of scientific papers. Issue 5. – Irkutsk: Asprint, 2022. – 45-49.