Skrypnik Oleg Nikolaevich


Place of work: Belarusian State Academy of Aviation, Minsk, Belarus

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Academic status:  Full professor

Post: Professor, Department of traffic management and security in air transport

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  05.22.13 ‒ Navigation and Air Traffic Control

Scientific major: satellite navigation systems, methods of processing information in ATC systems, integrated navigation and landing systems, mathematical modeling of radio systems

Important publications:

  1. Skrypnik O. N. Radionavigacionnye sistemy ajeroportov i vozdushnyh trass: uchebnik. Ser. Vysshee obrazovanie: Specialitet. Moskva : Obshhestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost’ju «Nauchno-izdatel’skij centr INFRA-M», 2020. 325 s.
  2. Skrypnik O. N. Primenenie ajeromobil’nyh psevdosputnikov dlja povyshenija tochnosti sputnikovoj sistemy navigacii / O. N. Skrypnik, E. E. Nechaev, R. O. Aref’ev, N. G. Aref’eva // Radiotehnika. 2020. T. 84. № 12 (23). S. 20-29.
  3. Skrypnik O. N. Optimizacija traektorii mobil’nogo psevdosputnika dlja povyshenija tochnosti integrirovannogo navigacionno-vremennogo polja GLONASS // O. N. Skrypnik, R. O. Aref’ev // Sovremennye naukoemkie tehnologii. 2020. № 2. S. 51-58.
  4. Skrypnik O. N. The assessment of positioning error characteristics of combined GLONASS/GPS receivers // O. N. Skrypnik, R. O. Arefyev, N. G. Arefyeva (Astrakhanceva) // Crede Experto: Transport, Society, Education, Language. 2020. № 1. С. 44-58.
  5. Skrypnik O.N. Radio Navigation Systems for Airports and Airways. Springer Nature Singapure, 2019.  226 p.
  6. Skrypnik O.N., Каrgapol’cev S.K., Sizykh V.N., Daneev A.V., Aref ev R.O. Characteristics of the integrated glonass accuracy field in the optimal placement of pseudo satellites in the aerodrome zone // Advances and applications in discrete mathematics. 2018. – 19. №2. S. 83-91.
  7. Sizykh V. N., Kargapol’cev S.K., Skrypnik O.N., Mukhopad A. Yu., Mukhopad Yu.F. Majority redundancy of control automata // Far east journal of mathemati¬cal sciences. 103, № 2. S. 311-320.
