Sushii Tatiana Sergeevna


Place of study: Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia

Status: post-graduate student of Department of English Language and Linguistic Didactics

Scientific major: teaching foreign languages, information and communication technology, virtual museum, foreign language education.

Important publications:

  1. Sushii T. S. «Virtual museum» as a means of developing students’ socio-cultural competence in the process of teaching foreign languages / T. S. Sushii // Dialogue of Cultures. Culture of Dialogue: Digital Communications. Proceedings of the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, 29 March – 02 April, 2022. / Editorial board: L.G. Vikulova (ed.) [and others]. – Moscow: LLC «Languages of the Peoples of the World», 2022. – p. 452-456.
  2. Sushii T. S. The technology «Virtual museum» in teaching foreign languages / T. S. Sushii // Nauchnyj start-2022 : Collection of articles by undergraduates and postgraduates. Editorial board: L.G. Vikulova (ed.) [and others]. – Moscow: LLC «Languages of the Peoples of the World», 2022. – p. 252-255.