Titarenko Inna Nikolaevna

E-mail: intitarenko@sfedu.ru

Place of work: Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Academic degree:  Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Post: Professor, Department of philosophy, Chairman of Taganrog City Council (Duma), City Executive of Taganrog

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 09.00.13 – philosophical anthropology, religious studies, philosophy of culture, 09.00.03 – history of philosophy

Scientific major: history of ancient philosophy, history of Roman culture, religious studies, philosophy of science and technology

Important publications:

  1. Titarenko I. N. Politics in the mirror of political philosophy: ancient experience and modern ideas / / Nauchnaya mysl’ Kavkaza. 2018. No. 2 (94). Pp. 16-21.
  2. Titarenko I. N. Mystical and rational in Byzantine philosophical thought / p. S. Revko-Linardato, I. N. Titarenko / / Gumanitarnye i social’no-ekonomicheskie nauki. 2016. No. 2 (87). Pp. 54-57.
  3.  Titarenko I. N. To the origins of classical European humanism: ancient Roman philosophy, Byzantine humanism and Renaissance / P. S. Revko-Linardato, I. N. Titarenko / / Scientific thought of the Caucasus. 2016.  No. 3 (87). Pp. 14-19.