Tumanova Ekaterina Olegovna

E-mail: ekaterina.msu@mail.ru

Place of work: State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow City University of Management Moscow Government»

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status:  Associate Professor

Post: Associate Professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.04 – Germanic languages

Scientific major: linguoculturology, phraseology, stylistics, Germanic studies, political linguistics

Important publications:

  1. Tumanova E. O. Political Discourse as a Meta-Discourse in the Taxonomy of Discursive Practices (Linguistic Aspect) / E. O. Tumanova // Philological sciences. Issues of theory and practice. – 2023. – Vol. 16, № 3. – pp. 925-931.
  2. Tumanova E. O. Color Eonyms as a Result of the Linguistic Reflection of the German Political System from 1978 till 2021 / E. O. Tumanova // Political Linguistics. – № 2 (98). – pp. 79-90.