Tungusova Galina Innokentievna
E–mail: tungus@mail.ru
Place of work: Irkutsk State University. Irkutsk, Russia
Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic status: Associate professor
Jobtitle: Head of Magistracy Department. Professor. Chair of the Russian language and Methods of Teaching.
Areas of scientific interest: Methods of education and teaching Russian as a foreign language
Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.02 β Theory and Teaching/Education Methodology (Russian as a foreign language)
The most significant publications:
1. Tungusova G.Β I. Fonetika: ucheb. posobie / G.I. Tungusova, Van Lu. Irkutsk: Irkut. un-t, 2006. 130 s. (in Russ.)
2. Tungusova G.Β I. Formirovanie kognitivnogo obraza kitajskoj morfemy kak sredstvo optimizacii obuchenija i avtomatizacii sluhoproiznositel’nyh navykov kitajskogo jazyka / G. I. Tungusova, S. I. Bajramova // Vestnik IGLU, serija filologija. 2014. β 1 (26). S. 217-220, 245. (in Russ.)