Tyurnev Daniil Igorevich

E-mail:Β 33dd44dd55ddd@gmail.com

Place of study: Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Education Military Training and Research Centre of the Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin”, Voronezh, Russia.

Status: cadet of the 9th faculty of aviation equipment

Scientific major: research of technical ways to construct optical-electronic non-destructive testing systems based on the use of speckle structure methods of optical radiation and digital holographyΒ 

Important publications:

  1. Tyurnev D. I. Optical-electronic system of control of technical condition of elements of glazing of aircraft cabins / D. I. Tyurnev, A. R. Stepanov, P. V. Pavlov // Modern state and prospects for the development of aviation equipment systems: a collection of articles based on the materials of the X Scientific and Production Complex Β«Youth readings dedicated to the memory of Yu.A. GagarinΒ», May 16-18, 2023. – Voronezh: VUNTS VVS Β«VVAΒ», 2023. – P. 66-72.