Vinnikov Artem Yurievich


Place of study: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Air Chief Marshal A.A. Novikov», Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Status: postgraduate student of the Department of Organization and Management in Transport Systems

Place of work: Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State Corporation for the Organization of Air Traffic in the Russian Federation”, aerodrome control center of the unified air traffic management system (Kemerovo), Kemerovo, Russia

Position: supervisor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  2.9.6 – Air navigation and operation of aviation equipment.

Scientific major: flight safety, automatic assessment of the danger of approaching aircraft, certification of air traffic control personnel. 

Important publications:

  1. Vinnikov A. Yu. The condition of safe separation in the “take-off-landing” situation / A. Yu Vinnikov // Advances in Science and Technology: Collection of articles of the XVIII international scientific and practical conference, part II. – Moscow: Scientific Publishing Center “Topicality.RF”, 2019. – pp. 177-178.
  2. Vinnikov A. Yu. On the question of the expediency of using a probabilistic approach in solving forecasting problems / A. Yu Vinnikov // EurasiaScience: Collection of articles of the XIX international scientific and practical conference. – Moscow: Scientific Publishing Center “Topicality.RF”, 2019. – pp. 134-136.
  3. Vinnikov A. Yu. Methodological features of the concept of “settlement position” when performing the operation “take-off and landing” / A. Yu Vinnikov // Russian science in the modern world: Collection of articles of the XX international scientific and practical conference. – Moscow: Scientific Publishing Center “Topicality.RF”, 2019. – pp. 24-25.
  4. Vinnikov A. Yu. The main problems in the organization of take-off and landing operations / A. Yu Vinnikov // Modern scientific research: current issues, achievements and innovations: Collection of articles of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Penza: ICNS “Science and Education”, 2019. – pp. 69-71.
  5. Vinnikov A. Yu. Automation of the assessment of the danger of a conflict situation in the investigation of aviation events / A. Yu. Vinnikov, A. P. Plyasovskikh, V. Yu. Topilin // Actual problems and prospects of the development of civil aviation: proceedings of the XII International Scientific and practical Conference dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the national civil aviation, October 12-13, 2023 At 2 t. – Irkutsk: Irkutsk branch of MGTU GA, 2023. –Vol. 2. – pp. 25-34.