Категория: To the 100th anniversary of the Athonite debate about God’s Name

The Athonite debate about God’s Name within the scope of the worldview and spiritual life of Russia of the XX-XXI c.

UDC 81-119 BBK 81.2

Postovalova V. I.

The paper describes certain landmarks in the history of the Athonite debate about God’s Name in the XXth c. and its conceptual bases. The Athonite debate gave rise to the development of the Russian theolinguistic thought and underlay the ontological conception of language as well as the realistic philosophy of the name. The paper explores the question of how the ideas of the name and a prayer can evolve within the framework of the synergetic-personalistic paradigm. Boundaries and possibilities of the rationalization of the spiritual experience are also discussed.

Key words: Hesychasm, clever making, Jesus’s prayer, God’s Name (the Name of God), name-glorifying and name-fighting, energy, hypostasis, synergetic-personalistic paradigm.

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