Категория: 5.9. Philology

Column writing in english mediadiscourse: communicative and pragmatic aspects

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_

Tatiana I. Semenova

Andrey N. Dytov

Abstract. The study considers column writing that is equal to personalized journalism. Of central concern in the research is the issue of the individualized tinge in the column-writing, diversity of thought, independent thinking and personal style of the columnist. The paper focuses on the thought-provoking personal style of the distinguished Guardian columnist Simon Jenkins who covers issues across politics and society. The paper reveals lexical and syntactic stylistic devices used by the columnist to offer his views and opinions on the British prime minister cheerleading for war in the Ukraine.

Kew words: column, column writing, columnist, personal journalism, mediadiscourse, mediatext, personal style, a viewpoint of a columnist.

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Emotive code of the English tourism discourse

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_

Andrey B. Evseev

Abstract. The article is devoted to the enquiry into the category of the emotive code of the English tourism discourse. The paper aims at a comprehensive inquiry into the linguistic means dealing with the category of emotive code which identifies specificity of the tourism discourse. To solve the problem raised, we utilized general scientific methods (synthesis, generalization), analysis of the text corpus, method of linguistic analysis. The relevance of the paper is justified by the growing interest of linguists across the globe in the study of problems of emotivity and emotionality implied in various modes and genres of discourse, as well as the presence of a wide research potential of discursive communication, as a set of methods and techniques of interaction between the addresser and the addressee.

Key words: The English tourism discourse, emotion, emotionality, emotivity, emotive, emotiology, emotive code, linguistic category, tropes, grammatical level, stylistics.

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Semantic and stylistic features of eonyms-epithets in the german language

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_179

Ekaterina O. Tumanova

Abstract. Historical, cultural, political, economic and sporting events that are significant for a particular linguistic-cultural community are fixed in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers and are reflected in their lexical composition. The article is devoted to the description of semantic and stylistic peculiarities of German eonyms, i.e. lexical units whose semantics include allusions to the events in various spheres of life that gave rise to them. The research material is represented by “epithets of the year”, i.e. adjective names from the rating lists of the annual linguistic campaign of the German Language Society in Germany “Word of the Year” for the period from 1971 to 2023. The author has devoted his study to the description of the main characteristics of the selected units. The special stylistic features of eonyms-adjectives testify to their metaphorical character and the possibility of fulfilling the stylistic function of epithets. The article gives a general characterisation of eonyms-epithets in their diachronic aspect. The approach proposed by the author to the study of the linguistic reflection of historical events in German-language discourse is of interest to specialists in the field of linguistic-cultural studies.

Keywords: eonym, adjective, epithet, linguistic reflection, word of the year, the German language, key words of the current moment, linguistic-cultural studies.

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Linguistic portraiture and the archaeology of knowledge: viennese originals in the intellectual discourse of the occupied Austria

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_167

Sofiyat A. Atmurzayeva

Abstract. The proposed article addresses the phenomenon of the Viennese urban originals on the example of three personalities with official original status, special entourage, idiolect, idiokinesics and perlocutive impact on the Viennese and generally Austrian public. The aim of the paper is to investigate the Viennese originals’ fate during the National Socialist dictatorship after the “Anschluss” of Austria. The relevance of the article is connected to the development of the methodology of a new direction in Language and Culture Studies – Linguistic Portraiture that is regarded as a kind of archaeology of knowledge about real culturally significant personalities of specific countries. This direction differs from Linguistic Personology in its orientation: it is not aimed at generalizing cultural types reflected, first of all, in the phraseological fund of languages and their literary tradition, but at the study of dissipative groups encompassing personalities that can be regarded as living cultural phenomena, to which urban originals doubtlessly belong. The methods used in the article include systematization, classification, interpretative and contextual analysis, and metacritical analysis of biographical and scientific literature. The article speculates on the specificity of the discourses that took shape around Helmut Qualtinger, Beatrice Triangi and Karl Sesta, drawing on biographical materials, investigative journalism, works on linguocultural studies and texts produced by Viennese originals. The study is an attempt to reconstruct the intellectual discourse of the Austrian capital in the first half of the twentieth century.

Keywords: language and culture studies, urban originals, intellectual discourse of Vienna, Helmut Qualtinger, Beatrice Triangi, Karl Sesta.

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Axiological strategies in media discourse

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_157

Nadezhda N. Kazydub

Anna B. Timosheva

Abstract. The article explores axiological strategies as tools of modelling pragmatic effects in popular-science and educational media discourses. The paper highlights the influencing potential of educational and popular science media texts. The empirical material analysis reveals the basic means of realizing the following axiological strategies:  critical, optimizing and futurological.

Key words: axiological strategy, value concepts, popular science, educational discourse, media texts.

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Different fate of latin verb constructions type «infinitive + habeo» and «habeo + past participle» in french and other romance languages

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_150

Lydia A.Stanovaïa

Abstract. This article examines the different fate of Latin verb constructions type cantare habeo > je chanterai and habeo cantatam > j’ai chanté. As a result of the analysis, the reasons for the appearance of these periphrases in the Latin language were identified; the features of their further transformation into vulgar Latin during the formation of Romance languages were established; the specifics of the further development of the considered constructions in the process of evolution of the French language and their place in the verb system of modern French were determined; a new explanation of this amazing phenomenon of the evolution of French and other Romance languages was proposed.

Keywords: Latin, Romance languages and Romance linguistics, grammatization, history of the French language, linguistic economy, verb system.

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Phonetic characteristics of mixed west-middle german dialect of Krasnoyarsk region (based on culinary recipe texts of russian germans)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_183

Larisa I. Moskalyuk

Tatiana W. Korbmakher

Abstract. The article aims to consider the phonetic features of island Russian-German dialects of the Krasnoyarsk region. The research material was the author’s corpus of oral texts of culinary recipes recorded by digital audio recording during dialectological expeditions to the former German villages of the Krasnoyarsk region. General phonetic features of the studied High German dialects of the Germans of the Krasnoyarsk region (settlers from the Volga region and their descendants), reflected in the dialect texts of culinary recipes, transmit the features characteristic of the West Middle German dialect area with a Rhenish-Frankish basis. Consonantal changes illustrate the nature of the second (High German) movement of Germanic consonants of the specified dialect area.

The phonetic features of the German dialects of the Krasnoyarsk region, described in the article on the material of the culinary recipe texts, clarify the existing views about the current state of the island dialect language system, the description of which is important for further study of German dialectology and the theory of languages interaction.

Keywords: phonetic features, Russian Germans, culinary recipes, literary language, dialect, foreign language environment.

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Axiological parametrization as a means of image of the future construal in discourse of glossy magazines

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_116

Nadezhda N. Kazydub

Inessa E. Klamer

Abstract. The article presents the description of axiological parametrization as an instrument of the image of the future construal in glossy fashion magazines. The aim of the research is substantiated by the value society attaches to the image of the future, on the one hand, and the critical role of media in the modern world, on the other hand. It has been revealed, that in fashion magazines the image of the future takes the form of a trend as a cluster of axiological parameters. In the article three axiological parameters have been identified: brightness, innovation and creativity. The language representations of the image of the future axiological content and its pragmatic force have been described.

Key words: image of the future, social expectations, media communication, orientation potential, linguistic personality, discourse construction, discourse of glossy magazines, trend, linguistic culture.

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Sociolinguistic characteristics of Russian Germans in the Krasnoyarsk region

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_151

Tatiana W. Korbmakher

Abstract. The article is devoted to the sociolinguistic study of the High German island dialects existing on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region, the patterns of their functioning in a foreign language environment in isolation from the main ethnic array. The relevance and significance of the problem of studying the linguistic phenomena under consideration on the material of island dialects is also due to the rapidly changing conditions of existence of «language islands» in Russia, including in the Krasnoyarsk region, leading to their loss, the need to preserve the linguistic and cultural heritage of Russian Germans.

The research is based on the method of interviewing informants. The method of quantitative calculations was used to determine the degree of dialect use among informants in different age groups. It was found that the degree of dialect use varies significantly by age categories, good preservation of the language is observed among informants of the older age group and low dialect competence in the middle age group.

The results of the study clarify the existing modern concept about the current state of the language system island’s dialects of the Krasnoyarsk region, the description of which is important for further study of language interaction theory’s.

Key words: sociolinguistics, Russian Germans, culinary recipes, literary language, dialect, foreign language environment.

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The concept of “God” and its metaphorical representation in the english religious discourse

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_127

Ekaterina V. Miletova

Yulia P. Chalaya

Abstract. The focus of this research is the concept of «God» and its metaphorical representation in the English religious discourse. The research material is 570 religious texts published in American Theological Inquiry journal from 2000 to the present and posted on the publisher’s website. The paper emphasizes the importance of metaphor in the formation of the addressee’s (believer’s) knowledge about the image of God, his unique abilities and nature. Based on the results of an empirical analysis of the language material, the authors come to the following conclusions: 1) in the conceptual sphere of the English religious discourse, the concept of «God» is one of the key elements which form the system of religious knowledge of a person; 2) the religious discursive sphere is the space of actualization of a cognitive metaphor formed according to the scheme X is Y; 3) in English religious texts, the concept of «God» is often verbalized by metaphors; 4) the main linguistic means of manifestation of the metaphorical model «God is … » are nouns belonging to the core of the metaphor, adjectives and verbs, as a rule, representing the metaphorical periphery.

Key words: English religious discourse, faith, cognitive metaphor, concept of God, metaphorical model, metaphorical core, metaphorical periphery, evaluation, religious text. 

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