ΠšΠ°Ρ‚Π΅Π³ΠΎΡ€ΠΈΡ: Problems of linguistic conceptualization and categorization of the world in language

Modus category of prediction and its interpreting potential

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_165

Larisa V. Proskurnina

Abstract. The article discusses linguistic representation of human knowledge about future events, processes, situations. The study focuses on prospective categorization of the reality. More specifically the paper considers linguistic conceptualization and categorization of forecasting as a cognitive activity. The author states that modus category of PREDICTION involves cognitive operations of interpretation, modalization, and evaluation of the conceptual content. The paper discusses discursive construal of future climate changes in English media. The findings obtained may be helpful for further study of the modal categorization as one of the forms of knowledge representation in language and its interpretative potential.

Key words: probabilistic knowledge, prediction, modus, modus verb, modus category, interpretation.

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Toponyms are linguistic signs-representatives of an object in its globality

DOIΒ 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_138

Larisa V. Voronina

Julia N. Melnikova

Tatiana N. Skokova

Abstract. The subject of the given investigation is to consider the mechanism of derivational processes that lead to the emergence of a new linguo-cognitive structure. This mechanism makes it possible, by referring to inferential knowledge, to recreate motivating (producing) entities, to establish relations between generating and derived entities, which are the basis for interpreting the results of conceptual derivation. The article sets specific tasks: the analysis of the toponyms of the German language, the systematization of toponymic material and the classification of names that do not have written evidence. Etymology, as an essential part of the nomination, is the subject of historical research for the most ancient states of the language and currently has sufficient material to explain the subsequent development of linguistic meanings from the original nominative conditions. The novelty of the proposed article lies in the development of a methodology that allows to demonstrate that in the formation and development of the semantics of nominations, a large role belongs to both the choice of a motivating entity and its inheritance in the process of nomination, its stability or variability.

Keywords: motivation, motivating essence, units of secondary nomination, relation, possessive relation, toponyms, German toponymicon.

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