Категория: Sociological research

Modern views on a rational nutrition of russian women (the case of St. Petersburg)

UDK 316.356.4 BBK 60.54

L. A. Lebedintseva

P. P. Deriugin

A. A. Smelova

The article examines the ideas of Russian women about proper, rational and balanced nutrition in everyday life. The basic modern theories and concepts of proper and rational nutrition, widespread in Russia, are considered. It is shown that modern women tend to support the proposed norms and standards in relation to food consumption, and mainly use the existing social constructs about the rules of nutrition in the Russian space, rather than seek to independently form individual principles in this regard. It is concluded that Russian women have poorly formed stable ideas about healthy nutrition.

The study is a combination of quantitative and qualitative data based on sociological empirical research, i.e. representative telephone survey and interviews.

Keywords: nutrition sociology, social nutrition practices, Russian women.

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Senior high school students’ free time (comparative analysis)

UDC 316.346.32-053.6 BBK 60.5

Vishniakova A. A.

The article is presented the results of the research devoted to the study of senior high school students’ free time, its volume, content and structure.

Keywords: free time, young people, senior high school students, main forms of using free time, reading, internet, chat with friends.

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