A teacher is a person who inspires everything in your life… To the centenary of scientist-and-educator’s birth

UDC 37.022Β BBKΒ 74.03(2)

Beloborodova A. E.

The 1 of September 2018β€― is a centenary of the birth of Dulov Aleksander Ivanovich, a well-known Siberian scientist, educator and citizen. The author of this article regards on the basic periods of his scientific-pedagogical activity directed to the integration of a science with its practical use. His scientific researches in the field of students’ moral upbringing, technology of school supervision, theory and methods of teaching pedagogics are still actual. Different generations of scientists develop his ideas.

Кeywords: Dulov Aleksander Ivanovich, pedagogical heritage, scientist, educator, teacher, pedagogical experience, creative endeavour, pedagogical exellence, scientific quest.

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