Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Existential potential of professional development of a teacher in the space of an innovative educational complex

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2025_1_

Elena M. Kazantseva

Elena N. Kikhtenko

Svetlana S. Lyutkevich

Abstract. The paper presents a component model of the existential potential of a teacher’s professional development, implemented in the Educational complex “Point of the Future” (Irkutsk), which is a vivid example of an innovative educational environment that supports the existential nature of teachers’ professional development, where self-development acts as a value guideline for both teachers and students. The features of pedagogical work in an innovative educational organization are revealed: “versatility of activity”, “high uncertainty of conditions” and “redundancy of professional opportunities”. Examples of activities contributing to the disclosure of the existential potential of professional development of teachers in the private educational institution “Point of the Future” are given. The tasks of scientific and methodological support are defined as one of the key conditions for actualizing the existential potential of a teacher. The article will be useful for education professionals and heads of educational institutions.

Keywords: existential potential, existential fulfillment, professional identity, reflective culture, professional development of a teacher, innovative educational complex.

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Developing students’ receptive and productive pronunciation skills in the context of higher education and distance learning

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2025_1_

Natalia V. Gribacheva

Daria S. Bespalova

Olga Yu. Pavlova

Abstract. The paper focuses on developing students’ pronunciation skills in conditions of distance learning in higher education. The authors analyze the specifics of online EFL lessons (their advantages and disadvantages), list the main mistakes in teaching pronunciation and suggest the ways for teachers to avoid making them. The authors applied several methods during their research, i.e. comparative historical analysis of the up-to-date approaches to teaching pronunciation in English Teaching Methodology, observation, learning experience and project-based learning method. Special attention in the paper is given to the most efficient forms of student work during an online lesson in the aspect of acquiring natural English pronunciation and to the right way for teachers to motivate students and organize their unguided pronunciation practice activities. The importance of fostering students’ pronunciation skills is proven along with the vital role of pronunciation aspect in students’ communicative competence. The aim of teaching pronunciation is established with the term «threshold level of pronunciation». The article also concentrates on specific stages of online listening exercises and on the importance of doing them in the right order. Several options of facilitating the process of acquiring pronunciation skills during distance learning are offered in the article, i.e. shadowing technique, scaffolding, project work and individually-oriented approach.

Keywords: threshold level of pronunciation, oral communicative competence, phonological competence, communicative approach, pronunciation skills, distance learning, listening, connected speech, scaffolding, shadowing, project work.

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Methodological organization of non-formal online language teaching russian as a foreign language to adult learners

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_212

Anna A. Zankova

Abstract. Individual non-formal online language learning format is becoming more popular around the world. However, it is observed that the theoretical and methodological foundations are currently not fully developed. The article considers the advantages of non-formal individual online teaching Russian as a foreign language to adult learners under the teacher’s guidance, as well as a set of organizational patterns, approaches, and principles of functioning of this educational phenomenon. We have found out that individual non-formal online language learning is based on the following pedagogical organizational patterns: the management of the pedagogical process, the unity of teacher and learner’s activities, the dynamics of the pedagogical process. Effective organization of learning process is one of the current problems of modern didactics; therefore, it is important to consider the theoretical and methodological justifications of popular educational trends.

Keywords: non-formal online language learning, Russian as a foreign language, online format, methodological justification, synchronous online learning, synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication, online teacher.

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Plot analysis of the family image and family education in russian feature films (1920-2020) in the context of media education

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_201

Galina V. Mikhaleva

Abstract. The article contains a plot analysis of the film image of the family and family education in Russian feature films (1920-2020). The thematic variety of plots is associated with the representation of family and family education. It includes such traditional topics as intergenerational conflict (the problem of “fathers and sons”), the preservation of family values in the light of their historical transformation in the lives of several family generations, challenges of young families and their relationships with representatives of the older generation, the film image of adoptive parents and the problems of adopted children, social orphanhood and homelessness, hardships of large families, loss of family members, family reunions, the film image of a happy family. Further analysis of the transformation of the theme of family and family education in Russian audiovisual texts remains relevant both in cultural and media education aspects.

Keywords: family, family education, cinema, film adaptation, media education, film education, film, critical thinking.

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“Soviet screen” magazine in the “perestroika” era

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_189

Alexander V. Fedorov

Anastasia Al. Levitskaya

Abstract. The authors based on content analysis (in the context of historical, socio-cultural and political situation, etc.) of the texts published in the “thaw” period of the “Soviet Screen” magazine (1986-1991). ), the authors concluded that the materials on the subject of Western cinema at this stage can be divided into the following genres: ideologized articles emphasizing criticism of bourgeois cinema and its harmful influence on the audience (1986-1987); articles on the history of Western cinema; biographies and creative portraits of Western actors and directors; interviews with Western filmmakers; reviews of Western films; articles on international film festivals and foreign film weeks in the USSR; reviews of the current repertoire of Western national cinemas.

Keywords: “Soviet Screen” magazine, Western cinema, film criticism, ideology, politics, reviews, articles.

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Virtual museum as a socio-cultural phenomenon in teaching foreign languages

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_212

Tatiana S. Sushii

Abstract. This article explores the role of virtual museums in the context of teaching foreign languages and their impact on the socio-cultural development of students. The relevance of the issue is due to the fact that virtual museums represent a new form of museum experience that allows users to remotely immerse themselves in the history and culture of the foreign language. The purpose of the study is to identify the potential of virtual museums in teaching foreign languages and developing students’ socio-cultural competence. It is shown how they contribute to the formation of understanding and respect for different cultures. The results of the study reveal the advantages of using virtual museums in teaching foreign languages. The article can be useful for teachers and students who seek to effectively use this technology in teaching foreign languages and developing socio-cultural competence.

Key words: virtual museum, information and communication technology, socio-cultural competence, teaching foreign languages.

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Some proposals for increasing use of visual aids when studying the design and flight operation of aviation equipment

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_166

Anatoly F. Penno

Yury P. Belovodsky

Abstract. This article discusses the issue of increasing the use of the visual aids of the educational process when studying aviation technology at a flight school. An analysis of the educational and methodological complex of the educational disciplines selected for the study was carried out. The contradictions between the increasing requirements for the training of an aviation specialist and the possibilities of its training in modern conditions are identified. The introduction of simulation dynamic 2D models into the training process of flight personnel is justified as a way of increasing the use of visual aids of educational material taught. A version of a computer program for creating 2D models is presented. Using the example of the author’s developments, the advantage of simulating dynamic 2D models in studying the design and operation of aircraft and engine systems and assemblies is shown.

An analysis of the results of the implementation of developed innovations to improve visual aids was carried out. An increase in the performance of cadets in theoretical training before flying the aircraft under study was recorded.

The recommendations for the development of 2D models and their use in the learning process are also offered.

Key words: aviation equipment, construction, operation, academic discipline, teaching, visual aids, simulated dynamic 2D models.

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Provocation as a pedagogical technique for developing skills of critical thinking at english lessons at a technical university

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_195

Tatyana Yu. Portnova 

Abstract. The paper is continuation of the author’s works aimed at developing skills of technical students’ critical thinking at English lessons. The research subject includes provocative techniques which were tested when teaching English and Aviation English the first-fourth academic year students at MSTU CA, Irkutsk branch. The author analyses the positive, constructive potential and efficiency of provocations and demonstrates variants of using provocative techniques in learning situations. Various forms of provocations in educational environment are of certain research interest. Practical significance of the work is in developing exercises with the use of provocations on professionally oriented material for aviation specialists’ training.

Key words: critical thinking, provocation, Aviation English, emotions.

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Critical thinking of “digital natives” generation

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_211 

Anna Y. Veretennikova

Abstract. The main question presented in this paper is “Is critical thinking typical for the current generation of young people, the so-called “digital natives”? Having considered the views of researchers on the term “critical thinking”, the author’s definition is given as “a system of mental states, processes aimed at developing an assessment.” It is emphasized that the theories of the activity approach and evaluation activities can be the basis for studying this aspect. It is noted that, despite the declaration of mandatory work on the formation of this type of thinking among students at all levels of national education, the study of the judgments of representatives of the generation of “digital natives” from the point of view of critical thinking revealed a weak degree of understanding of the relevance, essence of this type of thinking, and also, in most cases, the lack of skills in its operations. It is emphasized that clip perception, characteristic of the modern generation of young people, hinders the development of critical thinking. Based on the study, a conclusion is made about the need for targeted educational work with an emphasis on the development of students’ critical thinking. Some methods of work are given.

Keywords: D. Dewey, critical thinking, clip perception, digital natives, evaluation activity, Socratic dialogues.

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Quiz as a tool to attract readers to writings about russian robinsons

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_222

Tatiana V. Shvetsova

Veronika E. Shakhova

Abstract. The article describes the concept of creation and application of quiz-technology as an actual tool for participation of students to reading works about adventures «robinsons» from Mezen in the Arctic. Material for the design of the class serves an 18th century essay. The book by P. L. Le Roy «The adventures of four Russian sailors to the island of East Spitsbergen brought by storm, where they have lived for six years and three months» (1766) is difficult to perceive for a modern teenager. As practice has shown, quiz is a productive means of encouraging schoolchildren to reading the text. In our case, the quiz allows us to solve two problems in a game form: to increase the motivation for studying the literature, and to acquaint with one of the key stories in the literary history of the Russian North – the survival of fishermen on the Edge island in 1743-1749.

Keywords: Russian Robinsons, Quiz Technology, Arctic Quiz, Native Literature, Arctic studies.

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