Application of powder charges in the emergency system of an aircraft landing gear

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_117

Anatoly F. Penno

Abstract. Problematic issues related to the operation of the landing gear system of modern aircraft are considered. Some specific requirements for similar systems used on military aircraft are indicated. A constructive solution is proposed in the form of an original development for the use of the energy of powder gases in the emergency landing gear system using the example of the Yak-130 aircraft. The author carried out an analysis of the additional equipment necessary for the operation of the proposed method of extending the landing gear, as well as its impact on the flight performance of the aircraft related to a possible increase in weight as well as changes in the dimensions of the aircraft. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion was made about the possibility of using powder charges in the emergency system of an aircraft landing gear.

Key words: Landing gear system, powder charge, extension cylinder, reliability, flight safety.

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