An additional general enrichment sport-oriented program «A way to perfection»

UDC 37.037 BBK 74.200.55

Dudka N. N.

The author presents an additional general enrichment sport-oriented program «A way to perfection», which has been realized for many years in Municipal Educational Institution of Supplementary Education «Dvorets tvorchestva» in Irkutsk. The program is of great interest not only from the point of view of its being a document served to theoretically justify and practically organize the work with children and adults willing to do karate but also as a complex and original research in the area of Sport Pedagogy. The program focuses not only on physical but also on spiritual perfection in children.

Key words: supplementary education, educational program, additional general enrichment program, sport-oriented, karate-do, Shotokan karate-do.

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