Skrypnik Oleg Nikolaevich
Place of work: Belarusian State Academy of Aviation, Minsk, Belarus
Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences
Academic status: Full professor
Post: Professor, Department of traffic management and security in air transport
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 05.22.13 ‒ Navigation and Air Traffic Control
Scientific major: satellite navigation systems, methods of processing information in ATC systems, integrated navigation and landing systems, mathematical modeling of radio systems
Important publications:
- Skrypnik O. N. Radionavigacionnye sistemy ajeroportov i vozdushnyh trass: uchebnik. Ser. Vysshee obrazovanie: Specialitet. Moskva : Obshhestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost’ju «Nauchno-izdatel’skij centr INFRA-M», 2020. 325 s.
- Skrypnik O. N. Primenenie ajeromobil’nyh psevdosputnikov dlja povyshenija tochnosti sputnikovoj sistemy navigacii / O. N. Skrypnik, E. E. Nechaev, R. O. Aref’ev, N. G. Aref’eva // Radiotehnika. 2020. T. 84. № 12 (23). S. 20-29.
- Skrypnik O. N. Optimizacija traektorii mobil’nogo psevdosputnika dlja povyshenija tochnosti integrirovannogo navigacionno-vremennogo polja GLONASS // O. N. Skrypnik, R. O. Aref’ev // Sovremennye naukoemkie tehnologii. 2020. № 2. S. 51-58.
- Skrypnik O. N. The assessment of positioning error characteristics of combined GLONASS/GPS receivers // O. N. Skrypnik, R. O. Arefyev, N. G. Arefyeva (Astrakhanceva) // Crede Experto: Transport, Society, Education, Language. 2020. № 1. С. 44-58.
- Skrypnik O.N. Radio Navigation Systems for Airports and Airways. Springer Nature Singapure, 2019. 226 p.
- Skrypnik O.N., Каrgapol’cev S.K., Sizykh V.N., Daneev A.V., Aref ev R.O. Characteristics of the integrated glonass accuracy field in the optimal placement of pseudo satellites in the aerodrome zone // Advances and applications in discrete mathematics. 2018. – 19. №2. S. 83-91.
- Sizykh V. N., Kargapol’cev S.K., Skrypnik O.N., Mukhopad A. Yu., Mukhopad Yu.F. Majority redundancy of control automata // Far east journal of mathemati¬cal sciences. 103, № 2. S. 311-320.