Problematic aspects of SPE (secondary professional education) system changing to new standards

UDC 371 BBKΒ 74.56

Klochkova N. Y.
The article is devoted to the analysis of formation perspectives of a new united community which arises on the background of the development of social, cultural and economic processes in the world. Therefore education in the XXIst century plays a great role in human life. New education’s paradigms are designed to meet the society’s needs for people with a high qualification level, deep knowledge, moral values and social activity. Nevertheless, during the changing to new standarts there arise a number of difficulties and contradictions which the participants of educational process meet with. Thus, education depends not only on those who make this process but also on what attention social and management structures pay to it.

Key words: public evolutionism, moral values, social activity, innovation, competent model of education, modernization, educational standards, metasubject, requirements, knowledge paradigm of education

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