Forming of student’s foreign language competence in implicit teaching based on virtual lab assignments system (VLAS)

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 74.202 

Zheleznova T. I.

The article deals with the problems to form foreign language competence of transport university student. The purpose of the article is to describe the ways of implicit teaching based on virtual lab assignments system in a foreign language.

The author is the VLAS developer at the Foreign Languages Department of Engineering University; puts forward a hypothesis that if the foreign language curriculum reduces auditorium time, the virtual lab assignments based on multimedia optimizes forming of students’ foreign language competence and motivates them to master a foreign language.

Key words: foreign language teaching, III generation’s foreign languages teaching curricular, forming of student’s foreign language competence, competence, engineering university, student’s private work, implicit teaching, declarative knowledge, procedure knowledge, expert knowledge/expertise, motivation, virtual lab assignments system; virtual lab assignments in a foreign language.

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