Категория: Theoretical and practical issues of foreign languages teaching

Methodological organization of non-formal online language teaching russian as a foreign language to adult learners

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_ 

Anna A. Zankova

Abstract. Individual non-formal online language learning format is becoming more popular around the world. However, it is observed that the theoretical and methodological foundations are currently not fully developed. The article considers the advantages of non-formal individual online teaching Russian as a foreign language to adult learners under the teacher’s guidance, as well as a set of organizational patterns, approaches, and principles of functioning of this educational phenomenon. We have found out that individual non-formal online language learning is based on the following pedagogical organizational patterns: the management of the pedagogical process, the unity of teacher and learner’s activities, the dynamics of the pedagogical process. Effective organization of learning process is one of the current problems of modern didactics; therefore, it is important to consider the theoretical and methodological justifications of popular educational trends.

Keywords: non-formal online language learning, Russian as a foreign language, online format, methodological justification, synchronous online learning, synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication, online teacher.

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Virtual museum as a socio-cultural phenomenon in teaching foreign languages

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_212

Tatiana S. Sushii

Abstract. This article explores the role of virtual museums in the context of teaching foreign languages and their impact on the socio-cultural development of students. The relevance of the issue is due to the fact that virtual museums represent a new form of museum experience that allows users to remotely immerse themselves in the history and culture of the foreign language. The purpose of the study is to identify the potential of virtual museums in teaching foreign languages and developing students’ socio-cultural competence. It is shown how they contribute to the formation of understanding and respect for different cultures. The results of the study reveal the advantages of using virtual museums in teaching foreign languages. The article can be useful for teachers and students who seek to effectively use this technology in teaching foreign languages and developing socio-cultural competence.

Key words: virtual museum, information and communication technology, socio-cultural competence, teaching foreign languages.

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Provocation as a pedagogical technique for developing skills of critical thinking at english lessons at a technical university

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_195

Tatyana Yu. Portnova 

Abstract. The paper is continuation of the author’s works aimed at developing skills of technical students’ critical thinking at English lessons. The research subject includes provocative techniques which were tested when teaching English and Aviation English the first-fourth academic year students at MSTU CA, Irkutsk branch. The author analyses the positive, constructive potential and efficiency of provocations and demonstrates variants of using provocative techniques in learning situations. Various forms of provocations in educational environment are of certain research interest. Practical significance of the work is in developing exercises with the use of provocations on professionally oriented material for aviation specialists’ training.

Key words: critical thinking, provocation, Aviation English, emotions.

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The content of language education: from the traditional to the humanistic paradigm

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_3_182

Elena M. Kazantseva

Abstract. The article reveals the understanding of the concept of paradigm in the context of the consideration of language education, describes the main paradigms of modern education (including language education): knowledge, competence, humanistic. Within each paradigm, the main changes in the content of language education are presented, taking into account the essence of a particular paradigm. The process of paradigm shift and the reasons for such changes are described. The polyparadigmatism of modern pedagogical science is proved. The factors influencing the necessity of coexistence of different paradigms of modern language education are revealed.

Keywords: the content of education, the content of language education, the paradigm of education, the paradigm of language education, polyparadigmality.

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Strategies for mastering the content of language education using digital technologies by students of technical universities

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_159

Elena M. Kazantseva

Olga A. Kolmakova

Anzhela A. Kazantseva

Nataliya A. Sverdlova

Abstract. These days, in the context of international interaction in various spheres of economics, science, technology and cooperation, the issue of language education for students of technical universities is being actualized.

The subject of the paper is foreign language professionally oriented training, which involves the development of professionally significant skills and abilities, the formation of professional thinking allowing students to take into account the cultural and linguistic diversity of economic and technical systems.

The personality-development content of modern language education determines the emergence of various strategies for its acquisition. They are formed depending on students’ needs and capabilities. What is meant here is a strategy of staying in the content, a step-by-step strategy, a strategy of information exchange, etc.

In this case, these strategies are closely interconnected with one or another paradigm of education, for instance, the scientific-technocratic, humanitarian paradigm and the paradigm of tradition.

Digital technologies are not only a tool but also an environment for existence, which introduces new opportunities for mastering the content of language education: learning at any convenient time, continuous education, the ability to design individual educational routes.

In this regard, it is necessary to modernize the process of professional training, widely introduce digital tools for educational activities and integrate them into the educational environment.

Therefore, to ensure the effectiveness of the process it is necessary to determine each strategy that can be used to master language education with the help of digital technologies and identify the principles of learning that should be relied upon when using a particular strategy.

The implementation of the studied strategies in terms of new educational conditions will allow the teachers to integrate them within learning technologies. Using the strategies in an educational process will result in a qualitative breakthrough in the field of language education.

Keywords: language education, engineering education, educational paradigm, educational strategy, digital technologies, individual educational route, professionally oriented training, learning principles..

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Foreign language teaching for students at school of transport: searching for new approaches

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_3_195

Inna V. Senina

Vera B. Merkuryeva

Abstract. This article deals with an overview of the terms “educational technology”, the types of their classifications, briefly presents various teaching methods, as well as results of observations in foreign (English) language classes with students at the Irkutsk National Research Technical University at the School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering, and Transport. Teachers summarize their long-term experience, compare it with theoretical research on this topic and offer the innovative educational technologies they use, demonstrating their functioning by examples of their lessons. The authors compare the traditional approach to foreign language classes in a technical university and the modern one, which appeared by new requirements for graduates, specialists who speak a foreign language and use it for professional purposes. The authors pay particular attention to a student-centered approach to learning, which involves a change in the teacher’s role setting and the development of students’ competencies necessary for successful professional activity in the modern labor market.

Keywords: Educational techniques and methods, educational technologies, professional competence, social competence, sociocultural competence, classical method, conceptual method, innovative technologies, teaching terminology, debate strategy, discussions, role-playing games.

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Mixing business with pleasure: how to learn foreign language and culture with movies

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_152

Еlena Е. Kalish

Yuliya B. Dyundik

Abstract. The command of a language is a practical skill that helps a human to adapt in society. Teaching a foreign language should also be done in compliance with the practical nature of linguistic knowledge. A language is to be studied in the context of its usage within the discourse that makes linguistic utterances truly meaningful. Watching movies for pedagogical purposes allows students to learn a foreign language in the media that matches natural cultural discourse as closely as possible. Thus, the movie demonstrates the context of the language usage and shows thе fragments of its native speakers’ life. The authors suggest their own discourse-oriented methods of work with the movie resources as an alternative to traditional educational materials, such as texts. These methods may be used by educators in preparation of their own film-related tasks, a very time-consuming process by itself.

Key words: movie, movie industry, movie resources, learning a foreign language, teaching a foreign language, discourse, context of situation, adaptive ability.

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Enhancing speech skills while teaching foreign language for specific purposes (subject area: tourism)

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_136

Larisa G. Vikulova

Elena I. Cherkashina

Abstract. The paper deals with the problem of forming communicative speech skills of BA students who study French for special purposes. The relevance of the problem addressed is determined by the current social demand for teaching foreign languages for special purposes at the university level. It is pointed out that the formation of foreign language professional competence of students is possible with the use of authentic materials in the subject area of tourism. It is emphasized that students can maintain their level of professionalism due to the skills of working with authentic sources of information and the ability to participate in international professionally relevant events. It is stated that students’ knowledge of strategies of mastering tourism discourse in a foreign language provides the creation of speech products that meet the requirements of lexical-grammatical cohesion, content logic, structure of an utterance with reliance on professionally relevant texts. It is specified that education programs for undergraduate students have aims directed at mastering all types of speech activity based on professional vocabulary and at skills of professional communication. The research methods are based on fundamental principles of teaching languages for special purposes: authenticity, scientific basis, language means, social demand, and teaching methodology. The research results in the suggested series of exercises that are essential for building speech skills in the process of teaching language for special purposes. These exercises can be used in teaching a foreign language to students of Russian universities within the subject area of «tourism».

Key words: French for professional purposes, student’s professional thesaurus, forming communicative speech skills, subject area “tourism”, texts of flyers.

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The evaluation items of a modern foreign language textbook from the point of view of the implementation of the personal-developing content of language education

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_167

Elena M. Kazantseva

Abstract. The article describes the main items of the evaluation of a modern foreign language textbook from the point of view of the implementation of the personal-developing content of language education. Each item is represented through the prism of criterions.

The textbook is considered from the point of view of structure, organization of the personal-developing content of language education and the specificity of a taught subject “Foreign language”. The key items are: the purposefulness and the personal orientation of the textbook content, the possibility of an individual educational trajectory choosing, ensuring the textbook’s learning productivity, consistency and complexity, continuity of the personal-developing content of language education realized in a particular textbook, and the multicultural orientation of the content of personal-developing language education.

Keywords: foreign language textbook, personal-developing content of language education, content of education.

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English for medical students: current stage and development prospects

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_170

Tatiana B. Vepreva

Olga V. Pechinkina

Abstract. The modern world needs competent and mobile medical professionals who can work in a multicultural society in any country of the world. The aim of this paper is to determine the structure and content of the «Foreign language» discipline to contribute to more conscious, active and motivated learning of the subject. The methodology is based on Federal state educational standards, programmes of «Foreign language» discipline for higher educational institutions, and existing literature on the problem. To determine the specific situations of further use of a foreign (English) language, a focus group survey was conducted. The result of the research is the substantiation of the «Foreign language» course structure with the suggested topics and grammatical material distributed in modules. The authors of the study propose a course model consisting of three consecutive modules based on the content and the students’ needs. The proposed model will allow forming the universal competencies necessary for a future doctor and integrating into the professional community without any problems.

Key words: English, medicine, higher school, modular training system, professional development of medical students.

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