Students and urban public transport (by the example of Volgograd)
DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_155
Abstract. The article analyzes the results of two independent sociological surveys of students of Volgograd State Technical University and other major state universities of the city. The purpose of the research is to identify the problems of urban public transport and study students’ requests for this urban life sphere. This problem affects not only the current students’ interests, but also applicants just making their professional path choice. And quite often this choice is predetermined by transport availability of higher education institution. Today, Volgograd students make up almost a quarter of the active working-age population, so their requests for transport services are quite logical and legitimate. Such research has not been conducted in Volgograd before. According to the results of the study it was determined that most of the students have to get to the university with transfers, and the updated today transport scheme of the city creates even more difficulties in movement due to increasing time and financial costs.
Keywords: urban public transportation, students’ opinions on transportation, unmanned city bus.
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